1. My dog is the real MVP (most valuable possession).

    My dog is the real MVP (most valuable possession).

  2. When you hear your mom say there's cake on the counter 🐶🤣

    When you hear your mom say there's cake on the counter 🐶🤣

  3. @policiademadrid When you tryna take a nap, but your lil bro wants to play.

    @policiademadrid When you tryna take a nap, but your lil bro wants to play.

  4. What happened to, “Dog Park!!!”#dogproblems

    What happened to, “Dog Park!!!”#dogproblems

  5. Don't forget about your furry friends, they deserve love too! ❤️

    Don't forget about your furry friends, they deserve love too! ❤️

  6. When the ball drops on New Years and you’re faced with your favorite mistake...

    When the ball drops on New Years and you’re faced with your favorite mistake...

  7. When your spirit animal happens to live across the building.

    When your spirit animal happens to live across the building.

  8. It’s a bird... it’s a plane... it’s superpup!

    It’s a bird... it’s a plane... it’s superpup!

  9. “My enthusiasm for life can be a lil exhausting sometimes...”

    “My enthusiasm for life can be a lil exhausting sometimes...”

  10. Wouldn’t have been as embarrassing without that slide.

    Wouldn’t have been as embarrassing without that slide.
