1. #300 Maricopa County NOV 8 Election Fraud & Maladministration MARATHON! 5 Hours Of Evidence…EXPOSING The County’s Official Election Returns, Records & Documents! The ONLY Way To Win NOV 5 Is To SET ASIDE NOV 8…Kari & Abe Can Do It NOW!

    #300 Maricopa County NOV 8 Election Fraud & Maladministration MARATHON! 5 Hours Of Evidence…EXPOSING The County’s Official Election Returns, Records & Documents! The ONLY Way To Win NOV 5 Is To SET ASIDE NOV 8…Kari & Abe Can Do It NOW!

  2. 💥Un-Redacted~MIL Green Light Activated~Rothschild Bking Empire Fallen~Blkout Pending~ SP Intel Rpt💥

    💥Un-Redacted~MIL Green Light Activated~Rothschild Bking Empire Fallen~Blkout Pending~ SP Intel Rpt💥
