1. Would you be shocked if I told you this isn't the only evidence I have that was

    Would you be shocked if I told you this isn't the only evidence I have that was

  2. "Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

    "Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

  3. Putin will win if West and Ukraine do not implement new strategy – Bloomberg

    Putin will win if West and Ukraine do not implement new strategy – Bloomberg

  4. Arsenals of Western weapons is damaged as Russia hits Ukraine’s energy infrastructure – Kremlin

    Arsenals of Western weapons is damaged as Russia hits Ukraine’s energy infrastructure – Kremlin

  5. "Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

    "Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

  6. Trump wants to force Ukraine to negotiate with Moscow and already has a plan on how to do this

    Trump wants to force Ukraine to negotiate with Moscow and already has a plan on how to do this

  7. Ukraine adapts US M270 systems to use ATACMS, more missile strikes await Russia

    Ukraine adapts US M270 systems to use ATACMS, more missile strikes await Russia

  8. Conflicts arise between Ukraine and West over F-16 pilot training

    Conflicts arise between Ukraine and West over F-16 pilot training

  9. How Swedish aircraft will change situation on battlefield in Ukraine

    How Swedish aircraft will change situation on battlefield in Ukraine

  10. Ukraine completely isolates Crimea, the peninsula will be liberated from Russian occupation soon

    Ukraine completely isolates Crimea, the peninsula will be liberated from Russian occupation soon

  11. Ukraine is finally getting to hit Russia hard with its wonder-weapons

    Ukraine is finally getting to hit Russia hard with its wonder-weapons

  12. General names conditions for NATO to send troops to Ukraine

    General names conditions for NATO to send troops to Ukraine

  13. F-16s will attack Russian army without entering Ukraine's territory

    F-16s will attack Russian army without entering Ukraine's territory

  14. Striking oil base in Rastov, Ukraine destroyed $540 million worth of Russian oil

    Striking oil base in Rastov, Ukraine destroyed $540 million worth of Russian oil

  15. US suspends all supplies under Patriot contracts to Europe and redirects them to Ukraine

    US suspends all supplies under Patriot contracts to Europe and redirects them to Ukraine

  16. Russia threatens to destroy F-16s for Ukraine at European airfields

    Russia threatens to destroy F-16s for Ukraine at European airfields

  17. Ukraine now has the right to mobilize US citizens for fighting against Russia

    Ukraine now has the right to mobilize US citizens for fighting against Russia

  18. First French troops en route to Ukraine - member of the Ukrainian parliament

    First French troops en route to Ukraine - member of the Ukrainian parliament

  19. Russia had golden opportunity to open a new front in Ukraine, but missed it

    Russia had golden opportunity to open a new front in Ukraine, but missed it

  20. Thanks to Western aid, Ukraine is changing situation on battlefield, new problems await Russians

    Thanks to Western aid, Ukraine is changing situation on battlefield, new problems await Russians

  21. Convoy of dozens of equipments, preparing to enter to Ukraine, were fired upon in Russian territory

    Convoy of dozens of equipments, preparing to enter to Ukraine, were fired upon in Russian territory

  22. Ukraine’s downing of Russian drones with WW2 Spitfire-style planes undermines Putin’s war machine

    Ukraine’s downing of Russian drones with WW2 Spitfire-style planes undermines Putin’s war machine

  23. France will transfer Mirage 2000 fighter jets to Ukraine: Their features are revealed

    France will transfer Mirage 2000 fighter jets to Ukraine: Their features are revealed

  24. NATO missile launchers in Ukraine is controlled remotely - Russians point to the US

    NATO missile launchers in Ukraine is controlled remotely - Russians point to the US
