1. 8.19.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 3, Rig Veda 1:85, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:43-52

    8.19.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 3, Rig Veda 1:85, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:43-52

  2. 8.18.2024 Yoga Studies: Bhagavad Gita 2, Rig Veda 1:84, the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:34-42

    8.18.2024 Yoga Studies: Bhagavad Gita 2, Rig Veda 1:84, the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:34-42

  3. 8.14.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 17, Rig Veda 1:81, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:20-25

    8.14.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 17, Rig Veda 1:81, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:20-25

  4. 8.15.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 18, Rig Veda 1:82, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:26-28

    8.15.2024 Yoga studies: Bhagavad Gita 18, Rig Veda 1:82, and the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:26-28

  5. 8.16.2024 Yoga Studies: Bhagavad Gita 1, Rig Veda 1:83, the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:30-

    8.16.2024 Yoga Studies: Bhagavad Gita 1, Rig Veda 1:83, the Yoga Sutras with Vyasa 2:30-

  6. The Extraterrestrial Revelation: Mudras, SSRM-Tech, and Human Transfiguration (Part 2 of 2)

    The Extraterrestrial Revelation: Mudras, SSRM-Tech, and Human Transfiguration (Part 2 of 2)

  7. The Seven Hermetic Principles of Reality - The Principle of Polarity in Buddhism

    The Seven Hermetic Principles of Reality - The Principle of Polarity in Buddhism

  8. Biden's Goodbye Gift To China And Russia

    Biden's Goodbye Gift To China And Russia

  9. 功德宝山神咒|诵一遍 如礼大佛名经四万五千四百遍 The Mantra of the Treasure Mountain of Merit|Recite the Sutra of the Great Buddha 45,400 times

    功德宝山神咒|诵一遍 如礼大佛名经四万五千四百遍 The Mantra of the Treasure Mountain of Merit|Recite the Sutra of the Great Buddha 45,400 times

  10. 心经(粤语版)|长智慧、福报,诸事顺利,心想事成,功德翻倍 Heart Sutra (Cantonese version)|Grow wisdom, good fortune, everything goes smoothly, all wishes come true, and merit is doubled

    心经(粤语版)|长智慧、福报,诸事顺利,心想事成,功德翻倍 Heart Sutra (Cantonese version)|Grow wisdom, good fortune, everything goes smoothly, all wishes come true, and merit is doubled

  11. 大悲心陀罗尼经|广大圆满 无碍大悲 救苦救难 延长寿命 灭除业障 Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra | Vast and perfect, unimpeded great compassion, rescuing suffering, prolonging life, eliminating karma

    大悲心陀罗尼经|广大圆满 无碍大悲 救苦救难 延长寿命 灭除业障 Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra | Vast and perfect, unimpeded great compassion, rescuing suffering, prolonging life, eliminating karma

  12. 大势至菩萨真言|给你智慧之光,人生道路一帆风顺,事业有成 The mantra of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva|Give you the light of wisdom, may your life be smooth and your career be successful

    大势至菩萨真言|给你智慧之光,人生道路一帆风顺,事业有成 The mantra of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva|Give you the light of wisdom, may your life be smooth and your career be successful

  13. Trump Wants To Expand Israel

    Trump Wants To Expand Israel

  14. Bangladesh Crisis Explained

    Bangladesh Crisis Explained
