Gold | "We Are Actually Going to Fort Knox to See If the Gold Is There, Because Maybe Stole the Gold. Tons of Gold." - President Trump (March 4th 2025) | Is Gold Be Reevaluated?
Doctor Mikovits | Why Did Musk Post the Following? "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity?" + Why Did Musk Say, "Something That I Think Is Going to Be Quite Important Is a Neural Lace (A Brain-Computer Interface).”
AI Government | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Only Half Joking That We Need AI Government." - Joe Rogan + "The Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Overturn the Monetary System of the World." - Peter Thiel
Gold | Gold Financial Reset Looming? + "We Are About the Abandon the Traditional System of Money & Introduce a New One." - Pippa Malmgren + "Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
Gold | "Gold, It Is the Most Private of All Currencies. The GREAT LIE of My Lifetime Is That CRYPTO Was Going to Be PRIVATE & Was Going to FREE Us from Surveillance & Control. Gold Can Actually Be Moved Around Privately."
Stablecoins | "A Stablecoin Is a Digital Dollar. It's Already Being Used All Over the World...It Looks to Me Like Stablecoin Is Going to Be the Future of the U.S. Dollar. You Can Stop It. You Can Control It...See Who Sent What to Whom."
Elon Musk | "Something That I Think Is Going to Be Quite Important Is a Neural Lace (A Brain-Computer Interface). If You Have Ultra Intelligent AI, We Would Be So Far Below Them, We Would Be Like a Pet, Like a House Cat." - 6/1/2016
A Gold-Backed Currency Reset? GOLD-BACKED CURRENCY RESET Around the Corner? "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Basel III? Global Banking Regulations Changing?
Canada | "I Think Canada Would Be Much Better Off Being the 51st State Because We Lose $200 Billion Per Year w/ Canada & I'm Not Going to Let That Happen. Why Are We Paying $200 Billion Essentially In Subsidy to Canada?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Found Where Yuval Noah Harari Was Considered the Brain of Klaus Schwab In the Book Technocracy: Hard Road to World Order." - Patrick Bet-David + "The Moment Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin."