Continued Senate Floor Proceedings, Consideration Of S.Con.Res.7 Congressional Budget Resolution, President Trump Hosts Reception For Black History Month
Gold | Gold Shortage? Record-Breaking Gold Run? Is a Global Gold Shortage Around the Corner? Why Does Gold Continue to Hit Record Highs? Gold Moving Past $2,900? IS A CURRENCY RESET LOOMING?
Gold | Gold Shortage? Record-Breaking Gold Run? Is a Global Gold Shortage Around the Corner? Why Does Gold Continue to Hit Record Highs? Gold Moving Past $2,900?
Trump Declares Himself King, Musk Still Supports MRNA Vaccines, Dr. Exposes Fraud of Vaccines, Liberals Calling For Violent Revolution And How It Ties Into Duduman Prophecy About End of USA
Yale researchers have found that some COVID jab recipients show signs of a DEPLETED IMMUNE SYSTEM & continue producing SPIKE PROTEINS years after the shot.