22 days agoBible Study with Fred, 1Timothy, chapter 5, verses 17 to 25, part two, the elders that ruleBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
23 days agoBible Study with Fred, 1Timothy, chapter 5, verses 17 to 25, part one, the elders that ruleBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy 4, verses 9 to 22, Paul bids farewellBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
4 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy chapter 3, verses 10 to 17, given by inspirationBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 4, verses 1 to 8, preach the wordBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
18 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 1, verses 1 to 5, women in the early churchBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
17 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 1, verses 6 to 14, I am persuadedBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
8 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part five, what to follow afterBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
11 watching7 days agoBible Study - 24/7 | New Video Mon, Wed and Fri at 7 PM ETVerse VisionariesVerified
25 days agoBible Study with Fred, 1Timothy, chapter 4, verses 6 to 16, things Timothy must doBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
7 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part six, meekness and temperanceBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
6 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part seven, apt to teachBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
12 days agoUNCENSORED CHURCH 46 (Edited): Uncensored Apologetics - How To Prove GodDustin NemosVerified
10 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part three, flee youthful lustsBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
27 days agoBible Study with Fred; Acts 26:24 through 27:20, Paul's journey to RomeBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
16 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 1, verses 6 to 18, part two, Paul, teacher of the GentilesBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
11 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part two, flee youthful lustsBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
9 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 2, verses 22 to 26, part four, what to follow afterBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified