1. Judges 8 "Mixed Emotions" #anger, #betrayal, #pride, #humility #Judges8 #Gideon #leadership

    Judges 8 "Mixed Emotions" #anger, #betrayal, #pride, #humility #Judges8 #Gideon #leadership

  2. Pocket Pema Chödrön: 43 - When Anger Arises Remember To Pause (Yamsox Live Reading May 4th, 2024)

    Pocket Pema Chödrön: 43 - When Anger Arises Remember To Pause (Yamsox Live Reading May 4th, 2024)

  3. Don't Eliminate Lower Vibrational Emotions (You Need Them)

    Don't Eliminate Lower Vibrational Emotions (You Need Them)

  4. Full Of Anger- To Full Of Peace… -Powerful Jesus Testimony-

    Full Of Anger- To Full Of Peace… -Powerful Jesus Testimony-

  5. The Absence of Good Opens Space for Evil; Chats with Jack and Open(ish) Panel Opportunity

    The Absence of Good Opens Space for Evil; Chats with Jack and Open(ish) Panel Opportunity

  6. Light for Life, Connect w/Liss & Lori, Episode 15: Anger

    Light for Life, Connect w/Liss & Lori, Episode 15: Anger

  7. Calm Relaxing Music I Stress free Music I Stop Overthinking I Get Rid of All the Tensions

    Calm Relaxing Music I Stress free Music I Stop Overthinking I Get Rid of All the Tensions

  8. "Jacob's Departure from Laban: Conflict, Covenant, and Divine Guidance" genesis 31.

    "Jacob's Departure from Laban: Conflict, Covenant, and Divine Guidance" genesis 31.

  9. Pray for Your Enemies: Let God Handle Vengeance! #PrayForEnemies #TrustInGod #VengeanceIsHis

    Pray for Your Enemies: Let God Handle Vengeance! #PrayForEnemies #TrustInGod #VengeanceIsHis
