23 days ago继IBM撤出中共国后,惠普也将北美销售的90%以上产品移出中共国外生产。 美国会敦促国家情报总监提交有关中共领导层腐败和隐匿财富的逾期报告 。 验证郭文贵先爆料! 美国已经对中共下了Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
21 days agoCyraxx live on YT. "MY FULL AND FINAL RESPONSE ON MBM AND...". (Edited). 3/5/2025. Lol, long stream.N-Word Boi
16 days agoIBM China Investment Company Shuts Down, Foreign Capital Accelerates Withdrawal from China!GloryMifan
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2 days agoSimple RPG Subfiles for Noobs - The DSPF - Beginners AS400 iSERIES and IBM i ProgrammersIBM i Programming Tools
6 days agoCarbon Nanotubes for Digital Logic - Exceptional electronic properties of carbon nanotubes, coupled with their small size, makes them ideal materials for future nanoelectronic devices. IBMnonvaxer420
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19 days agoIBM QRadar XDR—a revolutionary cybersecurity solution for todays organizations..McFarland Consulting & Advisory