1. How can Pastor Arnold or Pastor Dennis Murray answers questions if they are both deceased?

    How can Pastor Arnold or Pastor Dennis Murray answers questions if they are both deceased?

  2. I was talking to a pastor about scripture & he said he didn't know it, should I try explaining it?

    I was talking to a pastor about scripture & he said he didn't know it, should I try explaining it?

  3. Emmanuel means God in the flesh. Was Satan's son Cain in the flesh also?

    Emmanuel means God in the flesh. Was Satan's son Cain in the flesh also?

  4. Can you explain Mark 11: 25 - 26 for me?

    Can you explain Mark 11: 25 - 26 for me?

  5. This writer thinks God & Satan are eerily the same?

    This writer thinks God & Satan are eerily the same?

  6. When everything is done & another Satan type comes along, would we go thru a flesh body again?

    When everything is done & another Satan type comes along, would we go thru a flesh body again?

  7. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Do you think she is on the right side of the gulf or have a special place?

    Mary gave birth to Jesus. Do you think she is on the right side of the gulf or have a special place?

  8. When the 6th trumpet sounds, is is something we will hear?

    When the 6th trumpet sounds, is is something we will hear?

  9. Sid the tribes of Israel blow the trumpet when they saw the sliver of the new moon before calendars?

    Sid the tribes of Israel blow the trumpet when they saw the sliver of the new moon before calendars?

  10. Where in the Bible does it talk about the 1st earth age?

    Where in the Bible does it talk about the 1st earth age?

  11. Concerning the 2 churches, Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from those 2?

    Concerning the 2 churches, Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from those 2?

  12. Where does it say in the Bible who Mary's mother was?

    Where does it say in the Bible who Mary's mother was?

  13. If you only read the Bible but don't go to church, how will you go to heaven?

    If you only read the Bible but don't go to church, how will you go to heaven?

  14. The most asked question. When will the would end?

    The most asked question. When will the would end?

  15. Do you believe mental illness is the same as demon possession?

    Do you believe mental illness is the same as demon possession?

  16. Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from the two in Revelation?

    Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from the two in Revelation?
