20 days agoSUPER BOWL LIX comms “White Hats” in Control Here’s what was MISSED ~I Y K Y K~TProvenzaVerified
4 days ago别当伪君子,正确地看待美国与俄乌谈判,并了解残酷战争的幕后黑暗。视频内容来源都在描述里,不传谣也要不信谣 | 俄乌战争 | 特朗普 | 泽连斯基 | 普京 | 慕尼黑安全峰会 | 别被王志安骗了OrangeTalkVerified
15 days agoMIT Lincoln Laboratory Stole Money from a DHS Contract to pay for a Funding Proposal to Amtrakmitcorruption
1 day agoEpstein Release Blows UP USD/FED Pedo Ring ~I Y K Y K~ “It’s time to exit the system ~ CotR”TProvenzaVerified
9 days agoAre You on the RIGHT PATH? Let’s Find Out ~I Y K Y K~ “Knowledge is POWER”TProvenzaVerified
7 days agoSILVER ~ GOD’s Immutable Wealth James 1:17 ~I Y K Y K~ “knowledge unlocks doors”TProvenzaVerified
23 days agoSTOP SAVING FAKE MONEY Dollars are Fake ~ Dimes are REAL Let’s do the MATH ~I Y K Y K~TProvenzaVerified
14 days agomV25™ Helped a Construction Worker Overcome Lower Back IssuesDr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email.Verified