2 days agoChrist Jesus gave you Freedom use it to serve others through Love.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
15 days agoHealing and Healthy Relationships: The Biblical Path to Wholeness • Sunday ServiceTodd Coconato ShowVerified
10 days agoGrace to you and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
16 days agoHealing and Healthy Relationships: The Biblical Path to Wholeness • Sunday ServiceTodd Coconato ShowVerified
3 days agoBefore I knew God my Father I was enslaved to other gods of the world.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
19 days agoBe reconciled to God the Father and become a new creation in Christ.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
24 days agoThe Lord my God delivers those who look out for the weak in times of trouble.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
12 days agoLet Christ Jesus rest make His Power made Perfect in your weaknesses.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
18 days agoReceive God’s Grace with Thankfulness the day of Salvation is here.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 month agoOnly Boast about what God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ has done for you.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 month agoForgive all who you need to forgive, don’t be outwitted by satan.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
27 days agoGod the Father wants to give you triumph in all things through Christ Jesus.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified