24 days agoForgiveness & Letting Go - Oral Facial Balance - Parasites & Energy Vampires QUANTUM HEALINGRoots Restored Wellness
24 days agoCording & Attachments - Energies of Supplements DNA Activation QUANTUM HEALINGRoots Restored Wellness
24 days agoTraumas & Abuses - Issue Specific Choose any One Area QUANTUM HEALINGRoots Restored Wellness
15 days agoHeart Walls & Trapped Emotions - Allergies / Intolerances/ Sensitivities / Mast Cell QUANTUM HEALINGRoots Restored Wellness
8 days agoHow human emotions are being harvested by dark entities (and how we aid them)WokelightworkerVerified
24 days ago"Multidimensional Healing & Star Family Contact – Ginny Jones” - TSP 1784Typical Skeptic Podcast
5 days agoIf we are our higher self and our higher self knows the lessons, why do we have to incarnate?WokelightworkerVerified
2 days agoWhat was our purpose before we came to earth &what will our souls do when earth ceases to exist?WokelightworkerVerified
13 days agoHypnosis Story: Your spirit team tells you your purpose before you come to EarthWokelightworkerVerified
24 days agoAura Clearing Guided Meditation | 30min Spiritual Meditation | Clear Your Auric Energetic FieldEmpoweredSpiritHealing