1. Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

    Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

  2. My Mother is at Home with a Tracheostomy and Nasogastric Tube Without 24/7 Nursing Care, Is It Safe?

    My Mother is at Home with a Tracheostomy and Nasogastric Tube Without 24/7 Nursing Care, Is It Safe?

  3. My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

    My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

  4. Cost&Process of Independent Medical Records Review That Might End Up Being Used in Court Litigation

    Cost&Process of Independent Medical Records Review That Might End Up Being Used in Court Litigation

  5. My Sister's in ICU,Failed Tracheostomy Decannulation&Ventilation Weaning!Can She Go Home for Weaning

    My Sister's in ICU,Failed Tracheostomy Decannulation&Ventilation Weaning!Can She Go Home for Weaning

  6. My Dad's been in ICU for 10 Weeks Ventilated,Tracheostomy, Dialysis, He's Depressed, Can He Go Home?

    My Dad's been in ICU for 10 Weeks Ventilated,Tracheostomy, Dialysis, He's Depressed, Can He Go Home?

  7. My Dad's in ICU on BIPAP & Type 2 Respiratory Failure, Can He Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

    My Dad's in ICU on BIPAP & Type 2 Respiratory Failure, Can He Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

  8. My Mom's in ICU with Liver Failure, ICU Wants to Stop Life Support! Can a Liver Transplant Save Her?

    My Mom's in ICU with Liver Failure, ICU Wants to Stop Life Support! Can a Liver Transplant Save Her?

  9. My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

    My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

  10. The ICU Team Wants to Take My Mom Off Life Support Without My Consent, How Can I Stop It?

    The ICU Team Wants to Take My Mom Off Life Support Without My Consent, How Can I Stop It?

  11. My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  12. 5 Proven Strategies to Avoid ICU Teams Withdrawing Treatment Without Your Consent

    5 Proven Strategies to Avoid ICU Teams Withdrawing Treatment Without Your Consent

  13. My Sister had an Aneurysm&TBI 3 Weeks Ago, She's Waking Up Too Slowly, Should We Continue Treatment?

    My Sister had an Aneurysm&TBI 3 Weeks Ago, She's Waking Up Too Slowly, Should We Continue Treatment?

  14. The ICU Dr Says that My Husband Can't Be Mobilized with a Nasogastric Tube, He Needs a PEG Instead?!

    The ICU Dr Says that My Husband Can't Be Mobilized with a Nasogastric Tube, He Needs a PEG Instead?!

  15. Why Ethics Committees in Intensive Care Continue to be a Farce& Lack Objective& 3rd Party Oversight!

    Why Ethics Committees in Intensive Care Continue to be a Farce& Lack Objective& 3rd Party Oversight!

  16. My Dad is Ventilated in ICU and He's Moving His Arms and Yet ICU Says He's Brain Dead!

    My Dad is Ventilated in ICU and He's Moving His Arms and Yet ICU Says He's Brain Dead!

  17. My Sister in LTAC Has Sepsis From an Infected Dialysis Catheter, Does She Need to Go Back to ICU?

    My Sister in LTAC Has Sepsis From an Infected Dialysis Catheter, Does She Need to Go Back to ICU?

  18. ICU is Offering a Tracheostomy for My Ventilated Dad but Only If We Sign a DNR! Is this Blackmail?

    ICU is Offering a Tracheostomy for My Ventilated Dad but Only If We Sign a DNR! Is this Blackmail?

  19. Was it the Right Decision to Withdraw Treatment for My Mother After Only 3 Days in ICU?

    Was it the Right Decision to Withdraw Treatment for My Mother After Only 3 Days in ICU?

  20. My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

    My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

  21. My Husband's in ICU with a Tracheostomy, PEG & Dialysis. Can He Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

    My Husband's in ICU with a Tracheostomy, PEG & Dialysis. Can He Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

  22. The pharma treadmill is making everyone sick, these stats will shock you

    The pharma treadmill is making everyone sick, these stats will shock you
