SIGHTINGS: Idaho Residents Terrified Over Series of UFO Sightings, Commercial Airline Pilot Barely Avoids Collision with UFO, Revising Roswell, and Much More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape (1997) + 2017 Update with Documentary-Creator, Robert Kiviat, Going to the Roswell of Puerto Rico to Investigate USO's [Unidentified Submerged(Water) Objects].
SIGHTINGS: Alien Communications, The (Then) Latest Alien Abductions, Startling Video Tapes of UFO's Including a UFO Landing, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
NJ Governor Claims UFO’s “Go Dark” The “Minute We Get Eyes On Them”! — With The Illuminati in a Nothing-To-Lose Position is Project Blue Beam in Preparation AS WE SPEAK?
SIGHTINGS: Feat. Clifford Stone (S2 E21) — UFO’s Harass the Military, New Bigfoot Footage, and the Same UFO Filmed by 3 Different Sources! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
FULL SHOW: The Mystery Of The UFO/UAP Invasion Has Been Solved, Orwellian Legislation Now In Congress Would Ban Civilian Drone Operations And Create A Corporate Government Monopoly, And More! — Monday Broadcast (12/16/24)