1. Russia lost air defense equipment, 41 artillery systems and 1,300 soldiers in a day in Ukraine

    Russia lost air defense equipment, 41 artillery systems and 1,300 soldiers in a day in Ukraine

  2. Crimean Bridge will receive critical damage this summer, Russia's air defense is helpless

    Crimean Bridge will receive critical damage this summer, Russia's air defense is helpless

  3. Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus can open a second front from Belarus - Ukrainian deputy warns

    Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus can open a second front from Belarus - Ukrainian deputy warns

  4. Germany urges Scholz again to permit Ukraine to strike Russia with Western weapon

    Germany urges Scholz again to permit Ukraine to strike Russia with Western weapon

  5. The war in Ukraine is entering a critical phase: The Hill revealed Russia's goals

    The war in Ukraine is entering a critical phase: The Hill revealed Russia's goals

  6. Berlin is inclined to allow Ukraine to hit Russia with German weapons

    Berlin is inclined to allow Ukraine to hit Russia with German weapons

  7. Russia-Ukraine war will transfer to Germany - Member of Bundestag warns

    Russia-Ukraine war will transfer to Germany - Member of Bundestag warns

  8. Russia's losses in Ukraine exceed 500,000 - 7,650 tanks, 14,786 armored combat vehicles…

    Russia's losses in Ukraine exceed 500,000 - 7,650 tanks, 14,786 armored combat vehicles…

  9. Giant hole in radar coverage in Russia after the Ukrainian strikes

    Giant hole in radar coverage in Russia after the Ukrainian strikes

  10. US Secretary of State wants allowing Ukraine to hit Russia with US-supplied weapons

    US Secretary of State wants allowing Ukraine to hit Russia with US-supplied weapons

  11. US should redeploy tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea due to Russia and China - Senator

    US should redeploy tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea due to Russia and China - Senator

  12. Biometric Digital ID to Control us, Russia was Prepared, Bidens Response to Russia (2022-02-27)

    Biometric Digital ID to Control us, Russia was Prepared, Bidens Response to Russia (2022-02-27)

  13. Russia uses banned chemical weapons in battles along the entire front line

    Russia uses banned chemical weapons in battles along the entire front line

  14. Ukrainian drones, destroying Voronezh-M radar deprived Russia of control over southern hemisphere

    Ukrainian drones, destroying Voronezh-M radar deprived Russia of control over southern hemisphere

  15. How Ukraine can defeat Russia: Foreign Affairs gave a “recipe”

    How Ukraine can defeat Russia: Foreign Affairs gave a “recipe”

  16. Ukraine announced the use of British Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russia

    Ukraine announced the use of British Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russia

  17. 🚨BREAKING: North Korea Puts Russia Flags & Pictures of Putin Down Highways

    🚨BREAKING: North Korea Puts Russia Flags & Pictures of Putin Down Highways

  18. Why Russia Can't Afford to Win or Lose the War in Ukraine

    Why Russia Can't Afford to Win or Lose the War in Ukraine

  19. Two ships sink in Russia’s Yakutia due to ice drifting- Footage from the area

    Two ships sink in Russia’s Yakutia due to ice drifting- Footage from the area

  20. Ready to meet F-16: Russia showed Su-30SM2 with long-range R-37M air-to-air missiles

    Ready to meet F-16: Russia showed Su-30SM2 with long-range R-37M air-to-air missiles

  21. Russia says Ukraine attacked Belgorod region with 60 drones over day

    Russia says Ukraine attacked Belgorod region with 60 drones over day

  22. Russia may soon declare new mobilization to prepare for new offensive – Financial Times

    Russia may soon declare new mobilization to prepare for new offensive – Financial Times

  23. Ukraine Strikes Crimea With U.S. Supplied Missiles #TruNews #RickWiles #Russia #Ukraine #WW3

    Ukraine Strikes Crimea With U.S. Supplied Missiles #TruNews #RickWiles #Russia #Ukraine #WW3

  24. West wants Georgia to become a second front against Russia - Georgian Prime Minister

    West wants Georgia to become a second front against Russia - Georgian Prime Minister
