4 days agoDuring an operation in the Kharkiv oblast, fighters from the 3rd Company of theWar in Ukraine
8 days agoThe fourth burning M1A1SA Abrams of the NATO Proxy Force on the outskirts of BerdychConcerned for Truth
7 days agoUkrainian Guerrillas Destroyed a Secret UK Base In ODESSA┃Putin Issued a Stark Warning To The WestConcerned for Truth
11 days agoIt's all BRITAIN's Fault: Ukrainian Generals Blamed The BRITISH Military For The Loss of KRYNKYConcerned for Truth
13 days ago🏹The Liberation by the Forces of Justice&Mercy is Ongoing and Welcomed by The People 🤍🌹🥹Asma13
9 days agoRussia Destroyed US Army Officers Along With HIMARS MLRS In NIKANOROVKA┃T-72B3 Destroyed ABRAMSConcerned for Truth
25 days agoVIDEO| Russia Destroys Ukrainian Bunkers Post-ICBM Strike: Nuclear Fear Deepens After Putin’s MoveOneindia News