1. First foreign instructor for use of F-16 arrived in Ukraine

    First foreign instructor for use of F-16 arrived in Ukraine

  2. Crimea peninsula becomes “death trap” for Russian Army

    Crimea peninsula becomes “death trap” for Russian Army

  3. Putin tries to prepare successors to regime from among his relatives and children of officials

    Putin tries to prepare successors to regime from among his relatives and children of officials

  4. Ukrainian drones hit power station and freight locomotive on Russian territory

    Ukrainian drones hit power station and freight locomotive on Russian territory

  5. US at risk of devastating 9-magnitude quake, tsunami – Study reveals

    US at risk of devastating 9-magnitude quake, tsunami – Study reveals

  6. Ukrainian army launched a counterattack and liberated the village near Chasov Yar from Russians

    Ukrainian army launched a counterattack and liberated the village near Chasov Yar from Russians

  7. Ukrainian Intelligence destroyed two Russian Su-57 fighters, expert reveals key points

    Ukrainian Intelligence destroyed two Russian Su-57 fighters, expert reveals key points

  8. “We struck it" - Moment Ukrainian fighters hit Su-25 aircraft with anti-aircraft missile system

    “We struck it" - Moment Ukrainian fighters hit Su-25 aircraft with anti-aircraft missile system

  9. Ukrainian drones increased target areas by 230,000 square kilometers in a month in Russia

    Ukrainian drones increased target areas by 230,000 square kilometers in a month in Russia

  10. Russia had golden opportunity to open a new front in Ukraine, but missed it

    Russia had golden opportunity to open a new front in Ukraine, but missed it

  11. Russian soldiers in Crimea are ordered to evacuate their families from peninsula

    Russian soldiers in Crimea are ordered to evacuate their families from peninsula

  12. US military bases in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere can be hit by Russian drones

    US military bases in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere can be hit by Russian drones

  13. Thanks to Western aid, Ukraine is changing situation on battlefield, new problems await Russians

    Thanks to Western aid, Ukraine is changing situation on battlefield, new problems await Russians

  14. Prigozhin's mutiny continues to have negative effects on Putin's regime

    Prigozhin's mutiny continues to have negative effects on Putin's regime

  15. Ukraine may use Taurus missiles against Russia, Germany's position is changing

    Ukraine may use Taurus missiles against Russia, Germany's position is changing

  16. HIMARS turned to ashes $15 million Russian anti-aircraft missile complex "Pantsir-S1"

    HIMARS turned to ashes $15 million Russian anti-aircraft missile complex "Pantsir-S1"

  17. “City of death and heavy fighting”: Volchansk of Ukraine is mini-Stalingrad

    “City of death and heavy fighting”: Volchansk of Ukraine is mini-Stalingrad

  18. Israel prepares to launch operation in Lebanon, Iran considers joining war - US Administration warns

    Israel prepares to launch operation in Lebanon, Iran considers joining war - US Administration warns

  19. Russia claims Ukrainian attack on residential building killed five people in Belgorod region

    Russia claims Ukrainian attack on residential building killed five people in Belgorod region

  20. Highways for Russians on motorcycles to hell in Ukraine

    Highways for Russians on motorcycles to hell in Ukraine

  21. Kim Jong Un sent 5 million shells to Russia, Putin wants more

    Kim Jong Un sent 5 million shells to Russia, Putin wants more

  22. Russia accelerates withdrawal from Crimea, families of servicemen, museum exhibits are removed

    Russia accelerates withdrawal from Crimea, families of servicemen, museum exhibits are removed

  23. Russia can launch nuclear strike against any NATO country, member of Duma made scandalous statement

    Russia can launch nuclear strike against any NATO country, member of Duma made scandalous statement

  24. German government made a special plan for preparing for war with Russia

    German government made a special plan for preparing for war with Russia
