1. A Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord: What I heard God Say is coming

    A Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord: What I heard God Say is coming

  2. 8 Major Words the Lord gave me nine months ago are in the News now: Prophecies being Fulfilled

    8 Major Words the Lord gave me nine months ago are in the News now: Prophecies being Fulfilled

  3. One of the most important prophetic word that was ever given | are you ready for the return of Jesus

    One of the most important prophetic word that was ever given | are you ready for the return of Jesus

  4. What the antiChrist flag will look like

    What the antiChrist flag will look like

  5. we want to read a prophetic visitation that is amazing! Maurice Sklar Vision

    we want to read a prophetic visitation that is amazing! Maurice Sklar Vision

  6. Every believer needs to watch this: Is there a once saved always saved?

    Every believer needs to watch this: Is there a once saved always saved?

  7. The Lord showed me Angels descending into Italy through a portal

    The Lord showed me Angels descending into Italy through a portal

  8. When I was praying I had a vision of an angel and he told me this

    When I was praying I had a vision of an angel and he told me this

  9. Putting the puzzle pieces together: Answering questions on what the Lord Showed me about 350 million

    Putting the puzzle pieces together: Answering questions on what the Lord Showed me about 350 million

  10. Israel is at War: Signs of the End Times

    Israel is at War: Signs of the End Times

  11. Faith calls those things that be not as though they were

    Faith calls those things that be not as though they were

  12. Prophetic warning, John Kilpatrick

    Prophetic warning, John Kilpatrick