1. Questions about Cyrex Array 10 Food allergy results?

    Questions about Cyrex Array 10 Food allergy results?

  2. Any suggestion help for Chronic diarrhea?

    Any suggestion help for Chronic diarrhea?

  3. What do you think of drugs like Prilosec or even taking tums?

    What do you think of drugs like Prilosec or even taking tums?

  4. Do you have any recommendations on the level of Vitamin D?

    Do you have any recommendations on the level of Vitamin D?

  5. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  6. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  7. Can you share some regimens during menopause?

    Can you share some regimens during menopause?

  8. I’m worried about stopping the anti-cancer supplements.

    I’m worried about stopping the anti-cancer supplements.

  9. Is it normal to have your grounding mat pick up the charge from the rife?

    Is it normal to have your grounding mat pick up the charge from the rife?

  10. Would your new CBD product be good for this?

    Would your new CBD product be good for this?

  11. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  12. Do you have any suggestions to help me out with Canker sores?

    Do you have any suggestions to help me out with Canker sores?

  13. How long for the rife machine to cure an infection?

    How long for the rife machine to cure an infection?

  14. Why is Rife technology not more widely known and accepted?

    Why is Rife technology not more widely known and accepted?

  15. Why is cancer patient shouldn’t eat dairy?

    Why is cancer patient shouldn’t eat dairy?

  16. Is there a test brand you recommend over others for food allergies?

    Is there a test brand you recommend over others for food allergies?

  17. Why do you recommend that cancer patients should eat meat?

    Why do you recommend that cancer patients should eat meat?
