1. Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

    Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

  2. These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

    These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

  3. Gazan youth making fun of the FAKE hunger in Gaza. Just LISTEN when they speak!

    Gazan youth making fun of the FAKE hunger in Gaza. Just LISTEN when they speak!

  4. A Reminder - Why is Israel fighting?

    A Reminder - Why is Israel fighting?

  5. The difference between Israel and "Palestinians"

    The difference between Israel and "Palestinians"

  6. US made explosives found in Gaza. Is the US now an official Hamas supporter?

    US made explosives found in Gaza. Is the US now an official Hamas supporter?

  7. Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

    Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

  8. Gazans support Hamas? Maybe they have no choice? This is how Hamas treats resistance!

    Gazans support Hamas? Maybe they have no choice? This is how Hamas treats resistance!

  9. Mora from Pallywood - Fake incident and injuries. Watch for behind the scenes...

    Mora from Pallywood - Fake incident and injuries. Watch for behind the scenes...

  10. What was the Palestinian Liberation Organization liberating 3 years before the so called Occupation?

    What was the Palestinian Liberation Organization liberating 3 years before the so called Occupation?

  11. Today: 83 Farhud anniversary - Two-day massacre of hundreds of Iraqi Jews in 1941. Ethnic cleansing?

    Today: 83 Farhud anniversary - Two-day massacre of hundreds of Iraqi Jews in 1941. Ethnic cleansing?

  12. Istanbul, Turkey - They just Love the US. Look for yourself.

    Istanbul, Turkey - They just Love the US. Look for yourself.

  13. A Muslim Syrian journalist who's trying to tell the Arab world the truth.

    A Muslim Syrian journalist who's trying to tell the Arab world the truth.

  14. The Day After? Who cares? What a sad joke! Even sadder when it comes from the US!

    The Day After? Who cares? What a sad joke! Even sadder when it comes from the US!

  15. To us life is worth NOTHING! Death, however, is sacred. If that's not Insanity, I don't know what is

    To us life is worth NOTHING! Death, however, is sacred. If that's not Insanity, I don't know what is

  16. 19,000 Missiles, Rockets and Suicide Drones! What is the cost of this equivalent to?

    19,000 Missiles, Rockets and Suicide Drones! What is the cost of this equivalent to?

  17. Douglas Murray in a Great speech in Paris. If Europe and US want to survive, learn from Israel!

    Douglas Murray in a Great speech in Paris. If Europe and US want to survive, learn from Israel!

  18. 8 Minutes of Bill Mahr ripping the Pro-Palestine croud

    8 Minutes of Bill Mahr ripping the Pro-Palestine croud

  19. A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

    A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

  20. Sydney, Australia - Coming to an American city near you sooner than you think! So yes! Islamophobia!

    Sydney, Australia - Coming to an American city near you sooner than you think! So yes! Islamophobia!

  21. LGBTQ+×* Not so inclusive as they pretend to be. Jewish parde participants attacked and booed

    LGBTQ+×* Not so inclusive as they pretend to be. Jewish parde participants attacked and booed

  22. Walking into a Church vs Walking into a Mosque. You decide.

    Walking into a Church vs Walking into a Mosque. You decide.

  23. Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

    Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

  24. Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

    Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping
