9 days agoBible study on the Book of 1 Corinthians "The Fools Cross" - (ch 1 - part 2)BrotherMatthewCCT
12 days agoBible study on the Gospel of Luke "What about the Day of Wrath?" (ch16 - pt 3)BrotherMatthewCCT
7 days agoBible study on the Book of 1Corinthians "Live of the Gospel" - (chapter 9)BrotherMatthewCCT
7 days agoBible Study on the Book of 1Corinthians "Diversities Of Gifts" - (ch 12 & 13)BrotherMatthewCCT
8 days agoBible study on the Book of 1 Corinthians "Why would you Compromise?" (ch 5)BrotherMatthewCCT