1. Many Mistakes. Our Ash was in bad positioning multiple times.

    Many Mistakes. Our Ash was in bad positioning multiple times.

  2. I SAVED the BOYS. I'm the baby, gotta love me.

    I SAVED the BOYS. I'm the baby, gotta love me.

  3. Orientation game on a new account. All Bots, All Broken

    Orientation game on a new account. All Bots, All Broken

  4. I wasn't getting it done as ECHO. I switched to Bastion

    I wasn't getting it done as ECHO. I switched to Bastion

  5. Easy enough. Just Bouncing around with Winston

    Easy enough. Just Bouncing around with Winston

  6. Well we got a win, but I had some tech issues in the beginning.

    Well we got a win, but I had some tech issues in the beginning.

  7. Optimus Prime does not loose or Maybe he does? I hope not

    Optimus Prime does not loose or Maybe he does? I hope not

  8. 23 Team Elims. Almost lost it early. How many times did I go down.

    23 Team Elims. Almost lost it early. How many times did I go down.

  9. Open Queue Competitive on Runasapi. I really love this map

    Open Queue Competitive on Runasapi. I really love this map

  10. Interesting Quads Game. I got a third of our Elims

    Interesting Quads Game. I got a third of our Elims

  11. I was the best Tank, but that was almost not enough. We got off easy

    I was the best Tank, but that was almost not enough. We got off easy

  12. Open COMP Queue. I am just bursting them down. No stopping us.

    Open COMP Queue. I am just bursting them down. No stopping us.

  13. JMAL group sucked. I had to bring them back multiple times

    JMAL group sucked. I had to bring them back multiple times

  14. Carrying the NOOBS. Don't worry, I got ya. They get in the way though.

    Carrying the NOOBS. Don't worry, I got ya. They get in the way though.

  15. Mid Match had to run from my team to find Shields. Teammates didn't share.

    Mid Match had to run from my team to find Shields. Teammates didn't share.

  16. Not a Great Game. Nick carried to the win. Ballsy respawn.

    Not a Great Game. Nick carried to the win. Ballsy respawn.
