Trump a Davos 2025:'Settimana storica,è iniziata età dell'oro dell'America' " 3 giorni fa ho prestato giuramento e abbiamo iniziato l'età dell'oro dell'America".Lo ha detto il 47°Presidente USA Donald Trump
Trump's Stargate & AI-Powered "Cure" For Cancer, Asylum Seekers Cut Off, Daniel 8:9, Antichrist Trump's Vow To Stop All Wars And Bring Unity, Withdraws From WHO But Keeps USA In WEF, Mouth of A Lion
TRUMP to WEF: I've just Cancelled All Your Woke Agendas, also Sending Your Shit Hollers Back to You. Now, you may go home and Eat “Dzze” Bugs and Be Happy. P.S. In USA we Eat Steaks.