1. My 80-Year-Old Sister is in Palliative Care for Pneumonia in ICU After Only 3 Days & It Seems Wrong!

    My 80-Year-Old Sister is in Palliative Care for Pneumonia in ICU After Only 3 Days & It Seems Wrong!

  2. High Risk Extubation to BiPAP 70% FiO2 Instead of Tracheostomy! This is How We Help Families in ICU!

    High Risk Extubation to BiPAP 70% FiO2 Instead of Tracheostomy! This is How We Help Families in ICU!

  3. My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

    My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

  4. My Father has High Blood Pressure When He is Being Weaned Off the Ventilator in ICU!

    My Father has High Blood Pressure When He is Being Weaned Off the Ventilator in ICU!

  5. I was Told My Wife Won't Survive a Pneumonia in ICU After Only 4 Days, She Survived& I'm So Grateful

    I was Told My Wife Won't Survive a Pneumonia in ICU After Only 4 Days, She Survived& I'm So Grateful

  6. My 21-Yr-Old Sister's in ICU with Cardiac Arrest, Myoclonus, Ventilated, Will She Wake Up Properly?

    My 21-Yr-Old Sister's in ICU with Cardiac Arrest, Myoclonus, Ventilated, Will She Wake Up Properly?

  7. My Brother's in ICU with a Heart Attack, Ventilated, IABP, Does He Need Open Heart Surgery?

    My Brother's in ICU with a Heart Attack, Ventilated, IABP, Does He Need Open Heart Surgery?

  8. How Long Does it Take for BIPAP to Lower Carbon Dioxide/CO2? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    How Long Does it Take for BIPAP to Lower Carbon Dioxide/CO2? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  9. Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?

    Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?

  10. My Dad's in ICU with Pneumonia, 14 Days Induced Coma,Not Waking Up, What Questions Do I Need to Ask?

    My Dad's in ICU with Pneumonia, 14 Days Induced Coma,Not Waking Up, What Questions Do I Need to Ask?

  11. ICU Survivor John Reports What It's Like Being on Propofol vs Midazolam, Listen to His Experience!

    ICU Survivor John Reports What It's Like Being on Propofol vs Midazolam, Listen to His Experience!

  12. My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

    My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

  13. My 45-Year-Old Wife Had Cardiac Arrest 3 Weeks Ago In ICU, Ventilated & Tracheostomy, Not Waking Up!

    My 45-Year-Old Wife Had Cardiac Arrest 3 Weeks Ago In ICU, Ventilated & Tracheostomy, Not Waking Up!

  14. My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

    My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

  15. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

  16. My 72 Year-Old Mom's been in ICU for 6 Weeks After Stroke,Tracheostomy& Ventilated, Can She Go Home?

    My 72 Year-Old Mom's been in ICU for 6 Weeks After Stroke,Tracheostomy& Ventilated, Can She Go Home?

  17. My 67-Year-Old Mother Is In ICU With Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis. Will She Survive?

    My 67-Year-Old Mother Is In ICU With Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis. Will She Survive?

  18. My Father had a Car Accident, TBI & Brain Surgery! He's Been in an Induced Coma for 5 Days, Help!

    My Father had a Car Accident, TBI & Brain Surgery! He's Been in an Induced Coma for 5 Days, Help!

  19. Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

    Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

  20. When to Stop BIPAP in ICU and What to do if You Can't Stop it! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    When to Stop BIPAP in ICU and What to do if You Can't Stop it! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  21. My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?

    My Dad's in ICU with Tracheostomy, ICU Wants to Remove the Tracheostomy Despite the Trachea Cuff Up?
