1. What happens if you run out of gas? can an angel push you to the gas station?

    What happens if you run out of gas? can an angel push you to the gas station?

  2. You're Healed by the Stripes of Jesus | My visitation with the Lord and His Crucifixion

    You're Healed by the Stripes of Jesus | My visitation with the Lord and His Crucifixion

  3. The Lord showed me a massive volcano erupt in Italy - major devastation

    The Lord showed me a massive volcano erupt in Italy - major devastation

  4. The Lord talked to me about being thankful for everything

    The Lord talked to me about being thankful for everything

  5. Another amazing prophetic word given, where we are in the signs of the times

    Another amazing prophetic word given, where we are in the signs of the times

  6. I heard two Angels talking: What they said Shocked Me…

    I heard two Angels talking: What they said Shocked Me…

  7. My dad died twice and the Lord brought him back

    My dad died twice and the Lord brought him back

  8. Warning: Celebrity deception and false prophets | what the Lord showed me

    Warning: Celebrity deception and false prophets | what the Lord showed me

  9. ls the Israel - Hamas War the beginning of WW3? When is the Rapture? Featuring Steve Cioccolanti

    ls the Israel - Hamas War the beginning of WW3? When is the Rapture? Featuring Steve Cioccolanti

  10. Praying for Israel: Pray for Peace and Protection for the Israeli Troops during the ground invasion

    Praying for Israel: Pray for Peace and Protection for the Israeli Troops during the ground invasion

  11. Get ready for a major revival

    Get ready for a major revival

  12. God Uses Imperfect People: My Journey

    God Uses Imperfect People: My Journey

  13. The Lord showed me the dollar crash and banking, crash, and a new digital platform

    The Lord showed me the dollar crash and banking, crash, and a new digital platform

  14. The Lord showed me more about the “ichabod-like” storm coming | Prophetic Warning

    The Lord showed me more about the “ichabod-like” storm coming | Prophetic Warning

  15. How to get through what's coming; being thankful and living by faith

    How to get through what's coming; being thankful and living by faith

  16. False Prophet Brandon Biggs "LAST DAYS" Says He's Been "Touched By The Father"

    False Prophet Brandon Biggs "LAST DAYS" Says He's Been "Touched By The Father"

  17. The Lord showed me an EMP attack on America when I was praying

    The Lord showed me an EMP attack on America when I was praying

  18. Every Christan should pray in tongues

    Every Christan should pray in tongues

  19. Life and Death is in the power of your Tongue

    Life and Death is in the power of your Tongue

  20. Sin Opens the Door for Demonic Oppression and Possession: it’s time to get free

    Sin Opens the Door for Demonic Oppression and Possession: it’s time to get free

  21. My opinion about what the Lord showed me about the 24th of august

    My opinion about what the Lord showed me about the 24th of august

  22. The Lord showed me more about the 350 million | Prophetic warning

    The Lord showed me more about the 350 million | Prophetic warning

  23. God told me how the Body of Christ can Prosper during the coming hard times

    God told me how the Body of Christ can Prosper during the coming hard times

  24. A Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord: What I heard God Say is coming

    A Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord: What I heard God Say is coming

  25. 8 Major Words the Lord gave me nine months ago are in the News now: Prophecies being Fulfilled

    8 Major Words the Lord gave me nine months ago are in the News now: Prophecies being Fulfilled
