1. Archons rulers elders masters the Annunaki elohim reptilian gods of Eden

    Archons rulers elders masters the Annunaki elohim reptilian gods of Eden

  2. Trumpets of Judgment: Unlocking the Prophetic Warnings of Revelation 8-9

    Trumpets of Judgment: Unlocking the Prophetic Warnings of Revelation 8-9

  3. The annunaki connection to this reality religions commerce every form of corporations institutions

    The annunaki connection to this reality religions commerce every form of corporations institutions

  4. The forsaken in the karmic wheel of time metaphors symbolism

    The forsaken in the karmic wheel of time metaphors symbolism

  5. Watchdog News: Letters to the Seven Churches: A Prophetic Journey Through Time Revelation 2 (Part 1)

    Watchdog News: Letters to the Seven Churches: A Prophetic Journey Through Time Revelation 2 (Part 1)

  6. Episode 8/50 The Origin of Death Understanding Spiritual and Physical Consequences

    Episode 8/50 The Origin of Death Understanding Spiritual and Physical Consequences

  7. Episode 7/50 The Fall of Man A Story of Choice, Consequence, and Redemption

    Episode 7/50 The Fall of Man A Story of Choice, Consequence, and Redemption

  8. Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix | Lost Civilizations, Forbidden knowledge & Human Origins

    Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix | Lost Civilizations, Forbidden knowledge & Human Origins

  9. Episode 19/50 Abram, Ishmael, and the Promise of Descendants

    Episode 19/50 Abram, Ishmael, and the Promise of Descendants

  10. Episode 23/50 Israelites in Egypt Oppression, Growth, and Egyptian Gods

    Episode 23/50 Israelites in Egypt Oppression, Growth, and Egyptian Gods

  11. The annunaki Jesus Jehovah Allah Satan annunaki symbolic matrix soul harvesting prison

    The annunaki Jesus Jehovah Allah Satan annunaki symbolic matrix soul harvesting prison

  12. Saturn annunaki asthrotheology everything revolves around the annunaki matrix control system

    Saturn annunaki asthrotheology everything revolves around the annunaki matrix control system

  13. The Anunnaki and the Bible: Was Planet Nibiru the Lost Kingdom of Yahweh and the Nephilim?

    The Anunnaki and the Bible: Was Planet Nibiru the Lost Kingdom of Yahweh and the Nephilim?

  14. Who is manipulating perceptions consciousness of this reality anunaki politics money annunaki ?

    Who is manipulating perceptions consciousness of this reality anunaki politics money annunaki ?

  15. Episode 33/50 Embracing Faith Over Fear

    Episode 33/50 Embracing Faith Over Fear

  16. CONSPIRACY? OUR SUBVERTED HISTORY | PART 5.3: (Asha Logos | 2021-03-15)

    CONSPIRACY? OUR SUBVERTED HISTORY | PART 5.3: (Asha Logos | 2021-03-15)

  17. Episode 15/50 A Story of Grace After the Storm Finding Hope in the Great Flood

    Episode 15/50 A Story of Grace After the Storm Finding Hope in the Great Flood
