7 days ago40 Million in Rome For World Religion Meeting 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaeavietrandy
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11 days agoThe Wicked Child of the Devil Drew Costen at KJV GOSPEL Resources is hard at workvietrandy
22 days agoThe Saints PURCHASED POSSESSION IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION The Children of Darkness are THRIVINGvietrandy
21 days agoWe will never FIX this fallen WORLD. Read your KING JAMES BIBLE #DOCTRINEMATTERS #KINGJAMESBIBLEvietrandy
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24 days agoThe Masonic Third World War. Don’t lose focus Christians - Brother Markus #endtimes #doctrinemattersvietrandy
19 days agoFoolish Children & Donald J. Trump 1-27-25@ 4:04PMProphetic Dreams and Visions from my lovely Jesus