1. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: What’s the Quality of Life After Tracheostomy?

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: What’s the Quality of Life After Tracheostomy?

  2. My Brother's in ICU 4 Weeks with Brain Injury After Asthma Attack, How Long Does It Take to Wake Up?

    My Brother's in ICU 4 Weeks with Brain Injury After Asthma Attack, How Long Does It Take to Wake Up?

  3. My Dad Gets Discharged from ICU Repeatedly and Bounces Back to ICU Quickly! How Can I Stop This?

    My Dad Gets Discharged from ICU Repeatedly and Bounces Back to ICU Quickly! How Can I Stop This?

  4. My Dad's Back in ICU from LTAC After the PEG Tube Caused A Bowel Perforation and Septic Shock, Help!

    My Dad's Back in ICU from LTAC After the PEG Tube Caused A Bowel Perforation and Septic Shock, Help!

  5. My Brother is in ICU With Diabetes, Dialysis and Cardiac Arrest! He Hasn’t Woken Yet After 5 Days!

    My Brother is in ICU With Diabetes, Dialysis and Cardiac Arrest! He Hasn’t Woken Yet After 5 Days!

  6. My Dad's in ICU 14 Days on Double ECMO with Heart, Lung, and Kidney Failure, Can He Survive?

    My Dad's in ICU 14 Days on Double ECMO with Heart, Lung, and Kidney Failure, Can He Survive?

  7. My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  8. How Can I Forgive Myself that ICU Withdrew Treatment on My Loved One Without My Consent?

    How Can I Forgive Myself that ICU Withdrew Treatment on My Loved One Without My Consent?

  9. 5 Proven Strategies to Avoid ICU Teams Withdrawing Treatment Without Your Consent

    5 Proven Strategies to Avoid ICU Teams Withdrawing Treatment Without Your Consent

  10. Cost&Process of Independent Medical Records Review That Might End Up Being Used in Court Litigation

    Cost&Process of Independent Medical Records Review That Might End Up Being Used in Court Litigation

  11. Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

    Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

  12. My Dad's in ICU on BIPAP for Type 2 Respiratory Failure with CO2 Retention, Can He Go to the Ward?

    My Dad's in ICU on BIPAP for Type 2 Respiratory Failure with CO2 Retention, Can He Go to the Ward?

  13. Testimonial: My Friend Survived COVID ICU Thanks to Your Advice in 2021, Thank You!

    Testimonial: My Friend Survived COVID ICU Thanks to Your Advice in 2021, Thank You!

  14. Should I withdraw Treatment on My Ventilated & Tracheostomy Fiancé with Significant Brain Damage?

    Should I withdraw Treatment on My Ventilated & Tracheostomy Fiancé with Significant Brain Damage?

  15. My Dad Went from LTAC Back to ICU After the PEG Tube Caused a Bowel Perforation & Sepsis! Help!

    My Dad Went from LTAC Back to ICU After the PEG Tube Caused a Bowel Perforation & Sepsis! Help!

  16. The ICU Team Wants to Take My Mom Off Life Support Without My Consent, How Can I Stop It?

    The ICU Team Wants to Take My Mom Off Life Support Without My Consent, How Can I Stop It?

  17. ICU is Offering a Tracheostomy for My Ventilated Dad but Only If We Sign a DNR! Is this Blackmail?

    ICU is Offering a Tracheostomy for My Ventilated Dad but Only If We Sign a DNR! Is this Blackmail?

  18. My Mom's in ICU with Liver Failure, ICU Wants to Stop Life Support! Can a Liver Transplant Save Her?

    My Mom's in ICU with Liver Failure, ICU Wants to Stop Life Support! Can a Liver Transplant Save Her?

  19. My Sister had an Aneurysm&TBI 3 Weeks Ago, She's Waking Up Too Slowly, Should We Continue Treatment?

    My Sister had an Aneurysm&TBI 3 Weeks Ago, She's Waking Up Too Slowly, Should We Continue Treatment?

  20. My Dad is Ventilated in ICU and He's Moving His Arms and Yet ICU Says He's Brain Dead!

    My Dad is Ventilated in ICU and He's Moving His Arms and Yet ICU Says He's Brain Dead!

  21. My Sister in LTAC Has Sepsis From an Infected Dialysis Catheter, Does She Need to Go Back to ICU?

    My Sister in LTAC Has Sepsis From an Infected Dialysis Catheter, Does She Need to Go Back to ICU?

  22. The ICU Dr Says that My Husband Can't Be Mobilized with a Nasogastric Tube, He Needs a PEG Instead?!

    The ICU Dr Says that My Husband Can't Be Mobilized with a Nasogastric Tube, He Needs a PEG Instead?!

  23. My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

    My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

  24. My Dad's in ICU in an Induced Coma Ventilated &Breathing Tube, He's Opened Eyes But Isn't Waking Up!

    My Dad's in ICU in an Induced Coma Ventilated &Breathing Tube, He's Opened Eyes But Isn't Waking Up!

  25. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Is My Wife A Coroner’s Case After Passing Away in ICU?

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Is My Wife A Coroner’s Case After Passing Away in ICU?
