1. 152_what does the "x" stand for in file permissions in bash?

    152_what does the "x" stand for in file permissions in bash?

  2. 150_what does the "r" stand for in file permissions in bash?

    150_what does the "r" stand for in file permissions in bash?

  3. 147_what is the file "owner" in bash?

    147_what is the file "owner" in bash?

  4. 110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

    110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

  5. 111_what is a data stack?

    111_what is a data stack?

  6. 109_how to delete one word at a time with alt backspace

    109_how to delete one word at a time with alt backspace

  7. 135_how to "open a file with sudo permissions" using "nano"

    135_how to "open a file with sudo permissions" using "nano"

  8. 134_how to "open a fle" using "nano"

    134_how to "open a fle" using "nano"

  9. 124_how to open a folder in the terminal using the gui

    124_how to open a folder in the terminal using the gui

  10. 123_what is Concatenation?

    123_what is Concatenation?

  11. 122_what does "concatenate" mean?

    122_what does "concatenate" mean?

  12. 105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button

    105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button

  13. 106_how to autocomplete with ctrl i

    106_how to autocomplete with ctrl i

  14. 108_how to open your in terminal text editor with ctrl x e

    108_how to open your in terminal text editor with ctrl x e

  15. 107_how to display bash version with ctrl x v

    107_how to display bash version with ctrl x v

  16. 132_how to "open the nano program" with the "nano" command

    132_how to "open the nano program" with the "nano" command

  17. 97_how to "ping a website" with the "ping" command

    97_how to "ping a website" with the "ping" command

  18. 96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

    96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

  19. 101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

    101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

  20. 117_how to "delete a file" with the "rm" command

    117_how to "delete a file" with the "rm" command

  21. 116_how to "change the last accessed date of a file" with the "touch" command

    116_how to "change the last accessed date of a file" with the "touch" command

  22. 115_how to "make a file" with the "touch" command

    115_how to "make a file" with the "touch" command

  23. 113_how to "reverse the directory stack" with the "popd" command

    113_how to "reverse the directory stack" with the "popd" command

  24. 112_how to "record your previous directories as a data stack" with the "pushd" command

    112_how to "record your previous directories as a data stack" with the "pushd" command

  25. 151_what does the "w" stand for in file permissions in bash?

    151_what does the "w" stand for in file permissions in bash?