14 days ago【NL】Shalabh Kumar: De VS hebben India als partner nodig om China het hoofd te biedenGloryMifan2
1 month agoTrump Believes It's Unacceptable That the Panama Canal Is Essentially Run by the CCPGloryMifan
24 days agoTrump warned the BRICS members of 100% tariffs for attempts to replace the DollarGloryMifan
18 days ago#1 World Starcraft/Warcraft3/Diablo2 GoodNewsJim EXPOSES: LOSER Q MATCHMAKING. UNCENSORED ON RUMBLE!POLITICAL ABSURDITY! People losing in video games for political reasons
1 month agoSteve Bannon On How Tech Oligarchs Are Leveraging The Tech Arms Race With The CCPThingsThatMatter
27 days agoA bill to revoke China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations introduced in the U.S. CongressGloryMifan
22 days agoThe White House spokesperson clearly distinguishes between the 'CCP' and 'China'GloryMifan
16 days ago中東関係でUSAID・バイデン前大酋長・オバマ元大統領・ジョージ・ソロス氏に刺さる特大ブーメランとお困りなイスラエル建国の歴史、お困りの勢力・中国潰しの安倍晋三元総理の外交戦略eFreeman Channel
1 month ago美国FBI CIA确认中国共产党拥有远程牵引技术(The FBI and CIA of America confirmed that the CCP had mastered remotehijacking technology)erica8989