Gold | Gold Financial Reset Looming? + "We Are About the Abandon the Traditional System of Money & Introduce a New One." - Pippa Malmgren + "Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
Errol Musk | "We Learned Obama Is a Queer Married to Man Who Dresses As a Woman." + Errol Musk Is the Father of Elon Musk. Errol Had Two Children with His Stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, Despite a 42-year Age Difference.
A Gold-Backed Currency Reset? GOLD-BACKED CURRENCY RESET Around the Corner? "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Basel III? Global Banking Regulations Changing?
Ray Dalio | "A Debt Death Spiral. That's Where We Are Approaching" + "People Don't Have Adequate Amounts of GOLD. When Bad Times Come, Gold Is a Very Effective...10-15% In the Portfolio Is Worth Giving Thought To."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Control of Data Might Enable Human Elites to Do Something More Radical Than Just Build Digital Dictatorships. Elites May Gain the Power to Reengineer the Future of Life." + "Digital God." - Elon Musk
Womp Rats & Basel III | Do More Americans Know About Womp Rats or Basel III? Gold Monetary Reset Incoming? How Probable Is a Complete Financial System Reset? Will Gold Revaluation Take Place In 2025? $2,934 Per Oz. Gold?
Grok | What Does Grok & Singularity Mean? “Grok is a word from a Heinlein novel, Stranger in a Strange Land. It's used by a guy who's raised on Mars. The word ‘grok’ is to fully and profoundly understand something..." - Elon Musk
Gold | "Gold, It Is the Most Private of All Currencies. The GREAT LIE of My Lifetime Is That CRYPTO Was Going to Be PRIVATE & Was Going to FREE Us from Surveillance & Control. Gold Can Actually Be Moved Around Privately."
Dr. Judy Mikovits | "These Systems Might Escape Control." - Geoffrey Hinton + "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." + "Perhaps There Is Still a Role for Humans In That We May Give AI Meaning." - Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "How Should IP Owners Think About That?" Musk, "By the Time These Lawsuits Are Decided We Will Have Digital God. We'll Have to Ask Digital God." + "Memphis, Perhaps That Where Out New God Will Come From"
Marlena Hackney | Legal U.S. Immigrant, Entrepreneur & Proud America, Marlena Hackney Shares What It Is Like to Live Under Communist Control & Why She Refused to Comply With the COVID-19 Lockdowns & Mandates
Canada | "I Think Canada Would Be Much Better Off Being the 51st State Because We Lose $200 Billion Per Year w/ Canada & I'm Not Going to Let That Happen. Why Are We Paying $200 Billion Essentially In Subsidy to Canada?"
X | On Tuesday, Musk and his son X, whose full name is X Æ A-Xii (pronounced ex-ash-ay-twelve), joined Trump at the White House for a press conference and signing of an executive order for Musk's DOGE.
Elon Musk | "Once You Have Humanoid Robots & Deep Intelligence You Have Quasi-Infinite Products & Services Available. With Tesla Building the Most Advanced Humanoid Robots. At That Point Will Money Even Be Meaningful?"
Virtual Spouses | "Grok 3 AI girlfriend or boyfriend is." - Elon Musk (February 24th 2024) + "If You Can Really Can Start Messing with Human Biology, What Will Be the Result of These SEXUAL Fantasies...Virtual Spouses..." - Yuval
Gold | Gold Shortage? Record-Breaking Gold Run? Is a Global Gold Shortage Around the Corner? Why Does Gold Continue to Hit Record Highs? Gold Moving Past $2,900? IS A CURRENCY RESET LOOMING?
Elon Musk | "We Might Be Headed to a Bimodal Human Intelligence Distribution, More Like Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. A Small Group of Very Smart Humans, But Average Intelligence Drifts Lower Over Time." - 2/12/2025
Andy Schectman | SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Andy Schectman | Will President Trump Eliminate Federal Income Tax? Will the Price of Gold Soar? What Are Stablecoins? What Is XRP? What Is the Future of Money?