1. Should My Dad with Tracheostomy and Brain Injury Go to a Specialized Rehab Facility or to LTAC?

    Should My Dad with Tracheostomy and Brain Injury Go to a Specialized Rehab Facility or to LTAC?

  2. My Dad Not Being Able to Get Off the Ventilator & Tracheostomy, They Have Tried CPAP But He Fails!

    My Dad Not Being Able to Get Off the Ventilator & Tracheostomy, They Have Tried CPAP But He Fails!

  3. Is a DNR/NFR Normal for Patients in ICU? The Answer May Surprise you! feat. Grace Schara

    Is a DNR/NFR Normal for Patients in ICU? The Answer May Surprise you! feat. Grace Schara

  4. My Mother's in ICU with Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy After a CABG! What are Treatment Options?

    My Mother's in ICU with Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy After a CABG! What are Treatment Options?

  5. My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

    My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

  6. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions to Ask When Your Loved One is in Heart Failure in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions to Ask When Your Loved One is in Heart Failure in ICU!

  7. Should a Patient in a Vegetative State on Vent with Trache be Mobilized and Have Physical Therapy?

    Should a Patient in a Vegetative State on Vent with Trache be Mobilized and Have Physical Therapy?

  8. My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

    My Mom's in ICU with Cancer and Sepsis, She's Not Waking Up, ICU Wants to Stop Treatment, Help!

  9. My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    My Granddad's in ICU With Septic Shock After UTI, Is He Improving? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  10. My Dad Died in ICU with Sepsis and Pneumonia after Gall Bladder Surgery, Could He Have Been Saved?

    My Dad Died in ICU with Sepsis and Pneumonia after Gall Bladder Surgery, Could He Have Been Saved?

  11. Was it the Right Decision to Withdraw Treatment for My Mother After Only 3 Days in ICU?

    Was it the Right Decision to Withdraw Treatment for My Mother After Only 3 Days in ICU?

  12. My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

    My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?
