1. Embracer Group Sells Gearbox Back To Take Two! Gaming Is Dying!

    Embracer Group Sells Gearbox Back To Take Two! Gaming Is Dying!

  2. Dr Phil's SURPRINGLY POIGNANT Donald Trump Interview!

    Dr Phil's SURPRINGLY POIGNANT Donald Trump Interview!

  3. Game Journalist attacks Straight White Gamers!

    Game Journalist attacks Straight White Gamers!

  4. Microsoft hates woman attractive woman in video games!

    Microsoft hates woman attractive woman in video games!

  5. Game Developer Attacks whites and Asian Gamers!

    Game Developer Attacks whites and Asian Gamers!

  6. Pokémon Go Promote Evil Rainbow Ideology On Children!

    Pokémon Go Promote Evil Rainbow Ideology On Children!

  7. Game Journalist's Attack on Gamers & Support for Sweet Baby CEO

    Game Journalist's Attack on Gamers & Support for Sweet Baby CEO

  8. How Sweet Baby Inc CEO Kim Belair threatens developers!

    How Sweet Baby Inc CEO Kim Belair threatens developers!