1. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. So many beautiful tropical fish and growing coral everywhere. It is so nice to see a reef healing and growing!

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. So many beautiful tropical fish and growing coral everywhere. It is so nice to see a reef healing and growing!

  2. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Cool a Puffer Fish and new coral is growing!!

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Cool a Puffer Fish and new coral is growing!!

  3. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Beautiful tropical fish and growing coral everywhere.

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Beautiful tropical fish and growing coral everywhere.

  4. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Amazing to see new coral is growing!! Reef conservation in action

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Amazing to see new coral is growing!! Reef conservation in action

  5. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. The coral reef is coming back alive, new coral is growing!!

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. The coral reef is coming back alive, new coral is growing!!

  6. Snorkeling Adventures: A large group of fish hanging out together around the coral.

    Snorkeling Adventures: A large group of fish hanging out together around the coral.

  7. Dive into the Fascinating World of Giant Clams 🌏🦪 Snorkeling Adventures Philippines

    Dive into the Fascinating World of Giant Clams 🌏🦪 Snorkeling Adventures Philippines

  8. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. A large school of fish swimming past and new corals are growing.

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. A large school of fish swimming past and new corals are growing.

  9. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Witnessing the Rebirth of a Coral Wonderland

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Witnessing the Rebirth of a Coral Wonderland

  10. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. A lot of sea life and new corals are growing!!

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. A lot of sea life and new corals are growing!!

  11. Freediving down to a beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters.

    Freediving down to a beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters.

  12. Freediving down to another beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters

    Freediving down to another beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters

  13. Freediving down to a beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters.

    Freediving down to a beautiful sea slug in the tropical Philippines waters.

  14. Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Clownfish are so amazing to watch

    Snorkeling Adventures Philippines. Clownfish are so amazing to watch
