1. Will this also increase cancer stem cell production.

    Will this also increase cancer stem cell production.

  2. Will the side effects appear and worsen with time.

    Will the side effects appear and worsen with time.

  3. What do you think about participating in clinical trials?

    What do you think about participating in clinical trials?

  4. What supplements might help combat joint pain?

    What supplements might help combat joint pain?

  5. Do you have any help with prostate E. coli infections?

    Do you have any help with prostate E. coli infections?

  6. I have stage 4 prostate cancer. What would you recommend?

    I have stage 4 prostate cancer. What would you recommend?

  7. What best module for MS and trigeminal neuralgia?

    What best module for MS and trigeminal neuralgia?

  8. What is having smooth muscle antibodies?

    What is having smooth muscle antibodies?

  9. Is there harm in long-term use of apple cider vinegar?

    Is there harm in long-term use of apple cider vinegar?

  10. Do you have any suggestions on how long to take HM ET supplements?

    Do you have any suggestions on how long to take HM ET supplements?

  11. Any help with diarrhea after eating sand?

    Any help with diarrhea after eating sand?

  12. Is a Rife machine the best way to kill cancer?

    Is a Rife machine the best way to kill cancer?

  13. Any thoughts about discouraging eating rice and oatmeal?

    Any thoughts about discouraging eating rice and oatmeal?

  14. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  15. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  16. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  17. Are there any of these that would interfere with the MMS?

    Are there any of these that would interfere with the MMS?

  18. What do I take to get rid of the contrast?

    What do I take to get rid of the contrast?

  19. Any idea why I lost improvement on my gut healing protocol?

    Any idea why I lost improvement on my gut healing protocol?

  20. What test would we need to check if there is a possibility of seizure activity?

    What test would we need to check if there is a possibility of seizure activity?
