1. OMC! Windy summertime day means relaxation for these lovely chickens!

    OMC! Windy summertime day means relaxation for these lovely chickens!

  2. OMC! Nine EXPERT PECKERS shred grass in this masterclass of pecking!

    OMC! Nine EXPERT PECKERS shred grass in this masterclass of pecking!

  3. OMC! Easter Eggers Brownie and Whitey battle for corn in a sea of Buff Orpingtons!

    OMC! Easter Eggers Brownie and Whitey battle for corn in a sea of Buff Orpingtons!

  4. OMC! Getting intimate camera time with the ladies this day and they made some pretty noises!

    OMC! Getting intimate camera time with the ladies this day and they made some pretty noises!

  5. OMC! Spaghetti eating Bonanza! Whitey dives into the crowd as does brownie!

    OMC! Spaghetti eating Bonanza! Whitey dives into the crowd as does brownie!

  6. OMC! Picking and Scratching but What kind of bird is singing?

    OMC! Picking and Scratching but What kind of bird is singing?

  7. OMC! It's an action filled windy day pecking and scratching for these chickens!

    OMC! It's an action filled windy day pecking and scratching for these chickens!

  8. OMC! Whitey nails it and gets the toad! ..Or does she???

    OMC! Whitey nails it and gets the toad! ..Or does she???

  9. OMC! The adventures of Whitey the adorable and fearless hen!

    OMC! The adventures of Whitey the adorable and fearless hen!

  10. OMC! Chickens love to help compost while scratching and pecking for worms!

    OMC! Chickens love to help compost while scratching and pecking for worms!

  11. OMC! Little chicken Whitey preening and being cute and shy as usual!

    OMC! Little chicken Whitey preening and being cute and shy as usual!

  12. OMC! Hen is a scratching and pecking MASTER!!! Check out those sweet moves!!!

    OMC! Hen is a scratching and pecking MASTER!!! Check out those sweet moves!!!

  13. OMC! Whitey and friends slurping down their greens on a nice summer day!

    OMC! Whitey and friends slurping down their greens on a nice summer day!

  14. OMC! Hens perched and preening after a long day of scratching and pecking!

    OMC! Hens perched and preening after a long day of scratching and pecking!

  15. OMC! Whitey the hen defends her blade of grass from Orpington number four.

    OMC! Whitey the hen defends her blade of grass from Orpington number four.

  16. OMC! The group dines on greens when Brownie shows up to join them!

    OMC! The group dines on greens when Brownie shows up to join them!

  17. OMC! Nature's Nap: Buff Orpington's Serene Siesta with Cawing Cameo!

    OMC! Nature's Nap: Buff Orpington's Serene Siesta with Cawing Cameo!

  18. OMC! Sunlit Serenade: Beautiful Buff Orpingtons at the Fence awaiting snacks and goodies.

    OMC! Sunlit Serenade: Beautiful Buff Orpingtons at the Fence awaiting snacks and goodies.
