1. Travel Adventure Oregon - Troll Patrol & Witch's Castle, and Jetboat Spin Out, Portland

    Travel Adventure Oregon - Troll Patrol & Witch's Castle, and Jetboat Spin Out, Portland

  2. Don’t escape the world just to go back to foolishness! Mortify your members and flee from sin.

    Don’t escape the world just to go back to foolishness! Mortify your members and flee from sin.

  3. If you pray to God knowing you are in sin, your prayer will be an abomination to him!

    If you pray to God knowing you are in sin, your prayer will be an abomination to him!

  4. Those of us that keep the #commandments are the #firstfruits.

    Those of us that keep the #commandments are the #firstfruits.

  5. Christ was only sent for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    Christ was only sent for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

  6. PEACE News & Views Tonight ✌📰

    PEACE News & Views Tonight ✌📰
