1. No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

    No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

  2. What will you find in a "Humanitarian" area in Gaza?

    What will you find in a "Humanitarian" area in Gaza?

  3. Another 1km long Hamas Terror Tunnel in Gaza found and demolished by Israel's IDF

    Another 1km long Hamas Terror Tunnel in Gaza found and demolished by Israel's IDF

  4. The Indigenous Embassy representing indigenous peoples in the world stand with Israel!

    The Indigenous Embassy representing indigenous peoples in the world stand with Israel!

  5. ISRAEL - 76 Years young, but over 3,000 years old! Go visit. See for yourself!

    ISRAEL - 76 Years young, but over 3,000 years old! Go visit. See for yourself!

  6. Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer

    Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer

  7. Israel killed a "Doctor Without Borders". Let's examine that

    Israel killed a "Doctor Without Borders". Let's examine that

  8. Finally! One Doctor from Gaza speaking some truth about the situation

    Finally! One Doctor from Gaza speaking some truth about the situation

  9. Americans SHOULD NOT be burdened with rebuilding Gaza. No more Tax dollars to Gaza!

    Americans SHOULD NOT be burdened with rebuilding Gaza. No more Tax dollars to Gaza!

  10. For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

    For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

  11. A Journalist or a Terrorist? In Gaza they are the same thing!

    A Journalist or a Terrorist? In Gaza they are the same thing!

  12. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  13. If we can do much worse, how come Israel is not allowed to?

    If we can do much worse, how come Israel is not allowed to?

  14. Gazan youth making fun of the FAKE hunger in Gaza. Just LISTEN when they speak!

    Gazan youth making fun of the FAKE hunger in Gaza. Just LISTEN when they speak!

  15. Not only it is a Just war - It is a Necessary war. Let Israel do what needs to be done!

    Not only it is a Just war - It is a Necessary war. Let Israel do what needs to be done!

  16. The Bullshit of Israel being an Apartheid state!

    The Bullshit of Israel being an Apartheid state!

  17. I'm not Jewish, but I care about Israel and so should you! Here's why.

    I'm not Jewish, but I care about Israel and so should you! Here's why.

  18. Who's to blame of the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border? The Lebanese government!

    Who's to blame of the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border? The Lebanese government!
