1. More Muslims = More Crime! Is this what you want in the USA?

    More Muslims = More Crime! Is this what you want in the USA?

  2. A Summer Camp with a side of Indoctrination! Sign your kids up now!

    A Summer Camp with a side of Indoctrination! Sign your kids up now!

  3. Muslims ignorant of history! Entire religion deny history to validate claims to the land of Israel

    Muslims ignorant of history! Entire religion deny history to validate claims to the land of Israel

  4. Supporting Palestinians is Supporting Mental Illness!

    Supporting Palestinians is Supporting Mental Illness!

  5. 85 y/o Aryeh Zalmanovich kidnapped by Hamas. Beaten, wounded and then murdered in captivity!

    85 y/o Aryeh Zalmanovich kidnapped by Hamas. Beaten, wounded and then murdered in captivity!

  6. Dr. Jan Halper - Trump is playing 5d chess

    Dr. Jan Halper - Trump is playing 5d chess

  7. When Stupid people ask Stupid questions, this is how you answer! UN Watch, Hillel Neuer

    When Stupid people ask Stupid questions, this is how you answer! UN Watch, Hillel Neuer

  8. I have no clue what I'm talking about, so I'm going to end this conversation now...

    I have no clue what I'm talking about, so I'm going to end this conversation now...

  9. If you won't believe the "lying" Jews ,will you believe the Romans?

    If you won't believe the "lying" Jews ,will you believe the Romans?

  10. Liberal Defined: Lacking In Basic Education, Reasoning and Logic

    Liberal Defined: Lacking In Basic Education, Reasoning and Logic

  11. President JFK Calls For Stronger Drug Laws (1962) Thalidomide scandal (Paperclip? Nazis? Intentional? Responsible?)

    President JFK Calls For Stronger Drug Laws (1962) Thalidomide scandal (Paperclip? Nazis? Intentional? Responsible?)

  12. France: Muslim woman burns the French flag. Not only in the US. Everywhere they go is the same crap!

    France: Muslim woman burns the French flag. Not only in the US. Everywhere they go is the same crap!

  13. A Muslim Imam in Detroit: "Islam Is America’s Last Hope" Listen how they incite their people to hate

    A Muslim Imam in Detroit: "Islam Is America’s Last Hope" Listen how they incite their people to hate

  14. Why won't Muslim countries accept Palestinian refugees?

    Why won't Muslim countries accept Palestinian refugees?

  15. How kids in Gaza really get injured. "Honest" Palestinian doctors and journalists?

    How kids in Gaza really get injured. "Honest" Palestinian doctors and journalists?

  16. When we did nothing they asked: Why did you walk like sheep. Now they say: You're doing too much.

    When we did nothing they asked: Why did you walk like sheep. Now they say: You're doing too much.

  17. Palestinazi kids at play in kindergarten. Is this what your children do at their schools?

    Palestinazi kids at play in kindergarten. Is this what your children do at their schools?

  18. What do Hamas Terrorists do to their own people? This is what. What lovely people!

    What do Hamas Terrorists do to their own people? This is what. What lovely people!

  19. Another Palestinazi fake scene in the works. Rubber baby doll and all... How much more do you need?

    Another Palestinazi fake scene in the works. Rubber baby doll and all... How much more do you need?
