1. Here's another poor, innocent, Palestinian civilian living in a makeshift tent. Just passing time...

    Here's another poor, innocent, Palestinian civilian living in a makeshift tent. Just passing time...

  2. Pallywood behind the scenes. Palestinazis disguised as Jews...

    Pallywood behind the scenes. Palestinazis disguised as Jews...

  3. Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

    Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

  4. Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

    Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

  5. New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

    New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

  6. Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

    Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

  7. Yo Lebanon - Don't start crying when Israel comes for you! You are asking for it!

    Yo Lebanon - Don't start crying when Israel comes for you! You are asking for it!

  8. Over 120 mosques in Berlin, yet Muslims are praying in the streets. Coming to Your US cities soon!

    Over 120 mosques in Berlin, yet Muslims are praying in the streets. Coming to Your US cities soon!

  9. Remember how Masks were normalized during Covid? This is the real reason why!

    Remember how Masks were normalized during Covid? This is the real reason why!

  10. Another 1km long Hamas Terror Tunnel in Gaza found and demolished by Israel's IDF

    Another 1km long Hamas Terror Tunnel in Gaza found and demolished by Israel's IDF

  11. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  12. Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

    Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

  13. Hamas & Hezbollah flags flying freely in NY. 2 Terror Organizations! Good luck with Islam America...

    Hamas & Hezbollah flags flying freely in NY. 2 Terror Organizations! Good luck with Islam America...

  14. For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

    For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

  15. I am protesting Pro-Palestine, but I don't know why

    I am protesting Pro-Palestine, but I don't know why

  16. Daily life in Northern Israel. Population evacuated 9 months ago. Nothing on US news!

    Daily life in Northern Israel. Population evacuated 9 months ago. Nothing on US news!

  17. Palestine to London to Dublin. All with the exact same tents?

    Palestine to London to Dublin. All with the exact same tents?
