1. Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

    Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

  2. A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

    A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

  3. Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

    Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

  4. An American solider fighting with the IDF in Gaza

    An American solider fighting with the IDF in Gaza

  5. New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

    New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

  6. Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

    Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

  7. Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

    Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

  8. Over 120 mosques in Berlin, yet Muslims are praying in the streets. Coming to Your US cities soon!

    Over 120 mosques in Berlin, yet Muslims are praying in the streets. Coming to Your US cities soon!

  9. Remember how Masks were normalized during Covid? This is the real reason why!

    Remember how Masks were normalized during Covid? This is the real reason why!

  10. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  11. IDF RESCUES 4 HOSTAGES ALIVE! Over 35 weeks in Palestinian Hamas Terrorists captivity. Welcome Home!

    IDF RESCUES 4 HOSTAGES ALIVE! Over 35 weeks in Palestinian Hamas Terrorists captivity. Welcome Home!

  12. Gazans support Hamas? Maybe they have no choice? This is how Hamas treats resistance!

    Gazans support Hamas? Maybe they have no choice? This is how Hamas treats resistance!

  13. Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

    Nope! These are not just kids playing games. These are Hamas Palestinazi Terrorists in training!

  14. Hamas & Hezbollah flags flying freely in NY. 2 Terror Organizations! Good luck with Islam America...

    Hamas & Hezbollah flags flying freely in NY. 2 Terror Organizations! Good luck with Islam America...

  15. More from Palestinazi Hamas Summer Camp. Send your kids - It's FREE!

    More from Palestinazi Hamas Summer Camp. Send your kids - It's FREE!

  16. Queers for Palesine - But, Is Palestine for Queers as well? As Jar Jar B would say: Mesa no think sa

    Queers for Palesine - But, Is Palestine for Queers as well? As Jar Jar B would say: Mesa no think sa

  17. Palestine to London to Dublin. All with the exact same tents?

    Palestine to London to Dublin. All with the exact same tents?

  18. Pallywood: Is there anything coming from Gaza that is NOT one big fake lie?

    Pallywood: Is there anything coming from Gaza that is NOT one big fake lie?

  19. Hamas managed to successfully attack and burn an Israeli tank. Pallywood style... :-) :-) :-)

    Hamas managed to successfully attack and burn an Israeli tank. Pallywood style... :-) :-) :-)

  20. They want their children to die! They are getting money for it! Freaks, freaks of Palestine!

    They want their children to die! They are getting money for it! Freaks, freaks of Palestine!

  21. Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

    Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping
