1. Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

    Education in Gaza. Self explanatory. You don't have to understand Arabic

  2. Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer

    Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer

  3. Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

    Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

  4. Beautiful girl walking onto stairs

    Beautiful girl walking onto stairs

  5. Belgium: Using Water-cannons o. Pro-Palestinian demonstrates. Why can't the US do the same?

    Belgium: Using Water-cannons o. Pro-Palestinian demonstrates. Why can't the US do the same?

  6. Eric Adam's, NY Mayor - One of the few remaining Democrats who's brain is still functions correctly!

    Eric Adam's, NY Mayor - One of the few remaining Democrats who's brain is still functions correctly!

  7. They can't stand the thought of loosing to the Jews

    They can't stand the thought of loosing to the Jews

  8. Palestinian protesters taunting American police officers by calling them pigs. USA 2024!

    Palestinian protesters taunting American police officers by calling them pigs. USA 2024!

  9. can we co.e with a simple slogan for dumb Gen Ziers?

    can we co.e with a simple slogan for dumb Gen Ziers?

  10. More staged scenes from the Palestinazis of Pallywood

    More staged scenes from the Palestinazis of Pallywood

  11. Host take a call about Israel's "Apartheid". Caller proves him wrong and gets cut off by host...

    Host take a call about Israel's "Apartheid". Caller proves him wrong and gets cut off by host...

  12. Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister about Qatar few years ago. Everybody knows - The West ignores!

    Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister about Qatar few years ago. Everybody knows - The West ignores!

  13. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  14. Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

    Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

  15. These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

    These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!
