1. Snakes and Ladders - Know the game? Here's a new Original version!

    Snakes and Ladders - Know the game? Here's a new Original version!

  2. Congressman Ritchie Torres - I always was and always will be a Zionist!

    Congressman Ritchie Torres - I always was and always will be a Zionist!

  3. No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

    No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

  4. Western Left Media has BLOOD on their hands!

    Western Left Media has BLOOD on their hands!

  5. Canada: Group of Elementary school kids were taken to a Pro-Palestine protest. Bright futures I see!

    Canada: Group of Elementary school kids were taken to a Pro-Palestine protest. Bright futures I see!

  6. Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister about Qatar few years ago. Everybody knows - The West ignores!

    Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister about Qatar few years ago. Everybody knows - The West ignores!

  7. Bill Mahr schooling the dummies of "The Talk"

    Bill Mahr schooling the dummies of "The Talk"

  8. They are NOT Palestinians. They are Jordanian & Egyptian refugees!

    They are NOT Palestinians. They are Jordanian & Egyptian refugees!

  9. When I was doing my Master's degree in Manhattan...

    When I was doing my Master's degree in Manhattan...

  10. A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

    A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

  11. The Bullshit of Israel being an Apartheid state!

    The Bullshit of Israel being an Apartheid state!

  12. All Eyes on Europe. Islamic Jihadist immigrants in Germany for Islamic caliphate and Sharia law!

    All Eyes on Europe. Islamic Jihadist immigrants in Germany for Islamic caliphate and Sharia law!

  13. More Fake Palestibullshit!

    More Fake Palestibullshit!

  14. This poor Palestinian mother lost her Plywood?

    This poor Palestinian mother lost her Plywood?

  15. The craziness of Anti-Israel Fake News! Do Not believe ANYTHING coming out of Gaza!

    The craziness of Anti-Israel Fake News! Do Not believe ANYTHING coming out of Gaza!

  16. What happens in other countries if you refuse to convert to Islam?

    What happens in other countries if you refuse to convert to Islam?

  17. These sad people (aka celebs) just want to be loved...

    These sad people (aka celebs) just want to be loved...

  18. All eyes on Rafah. Egypt bombed the poop out of Rafah in 2014. Where were the protesters?

    All eyes on Rafah. Egypt bombed the poop out of Rafah in 2014. Where were the protesters?

  19. Israel killed this poor Palestinian girl in Gaza! Or Did They? Watch and decide...

    Israel killed this poor Palestinian girl in Gaza! Or Did They? Watch and decide...

  20. Iranian "Supreme Leader" said the Oct.7th attack came at the right time

    Iranian "Supreme Leader" said the Oct.7th attack came at the right time

  21. Antisemitism changes with times, or does it? Doesn't really matter as long as you blame the Jews!

    Antisemitism changes with times, or does it? Doesn't really matter as long as you blame the Jews!

  22. A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

    A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

  23. Douglas Murray on why do some people deny what happened on October 7th.

    Douglas Murray on why do some people deny what happened on October 7th.

  24. Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States -- Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming -- With link to full Clayton Morris interview below in description

    Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States -- Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming -- With link to full Clayton Morris interview below in description
