1. How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines

    How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines

  2. EditText maxLines not working user can still input more lines than set

    EditText maxLines not working user can still input more lines than set

  3. Emacs convert items on separate lines to a commaseparated list

    Emacs convert items on separate lines to a commaseparated list

  4. Delete empty lines from a file

    Delete empty lines from a file

  5. Splitting lines from a text file in Python 3

    Splitting lines from a text file in Python 3

  6. HTML How to have paragraph split into equally wide lines

    HTML How to have paragraph split into equally wide lines

  7. C function that counts lines in file

    C function that counts lines in file

  8. Can awk print lines that do not have a pattern

    Can awk print lines that do not have a pattern