1. "Tomorrow we will Conquer Paris". Nope, not new at all, this is from 2020! WAKE UP WESTERN WORLD!

    "Tomorrow we will Conquer Paris". Nope, not new at all, this is from 2020! WAKE UP WESTERN WORLD!

  2. European Socialists Not Reacting Well To The 'Far-Right' Winning Elections - Part 3

    European Socialists Not Reacting Well To The 'Far-Right' Winning Elections - Part 3

  3. European Socialists Not Reacting Well To The 'Far-Right' Winning Elections - Part 1

    European Socialists Not Reacting Well To The 'Far-Right' Winning Elections - Part 1

  4. Yo stupid American college students. Who are you helping here?

    Yo stupid American college students. Who are you helping here?

  5. 150,000 people vanish. Let's talk about Ethnic Cleansing.

    150,000 people vanish. Let's talk about Ethnic Cleansing.

  6. EVERY argument they try to make only shows us how STUPID they are!

    EVERY argument they try to make only shows us how STUPID they are!

  7. Israel killed a "Doctor Without Borders". Let's examine that

    Israel killed a "Doctor Without Borders". Let's examine that

  8. No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

    No! This is not in Gaza. This is in the so called West Bank. Still within Israel's borders!

  9. Sick, Twisted, Useful Idiots by the Thousands. Is there no limit to stupidity?

    Sick, Twisted, Useful Idiots by the Thousands. Is there no limit to stupidity?

  10. What will you find in a "Humanitarian" area in Gaza?

    What will you find in a "Humanitarian" area in Gaza?

  11. The Indigenous Embassy representing indigenous peoples in the world stand with Israel!

    The Indigenous Embassy representing indigenous peoples in the world stand with Israel!

  12. ISRAEL - 76 Years young, but over 3,000 years old! Go visit. See for yourself!

    ISRAEL - 76 Years young, but over 3,000 years old! Go visit. See for yourself!

  13. Yo Lebanon - Don't start crying when Israel comes for you! You are asking for it!

    Yo Lebanon - Don't start crying when Israel comes for you! You are asking for it!

  14. Ok, you really want to know how sick and twisted these Muslims are? Listen to this!

    Ok, you really want to know how sick and twisted these Muslims are? Listen to this!

  15. Americans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!

    Americans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!

  16. Western Left Media has BLOOD on their hands!

    Western Left Media has BLOOD on their hands!

  17. Finally! One Doctor from Gaza speaking some truth about the situation

    Finally! One Doctor from Gaza speaking some truth about the situation

  18. Not only it is a Just war - It is a Necessary war. Let Israel do what needs to be done!

    Not only it is a Just war - It is a Necessary war. Let Israel do what needs to be done!

  19. A brother of some hostages confronting the loosers at the United Nations

    A brother of some hostages confronting the loosers at the United Nations

  20. Does this seem like Peaceful Protest? Or plain Antisemitism and Anti-zionism?

    Does this seem like Peaceful Protest? Or plain Antisemitism and Anti-zionism?

  21. Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer

    Israel's "best" ally? Israel - Keep your friends close and your American enemies closer
