1. 102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

    102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

  2. 103_how to switch two words with escape t

    103_how to switch two words with escape t

  3. 101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

    101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

  4. 77_how to lowercase words one at a time with alt L

    77_how to lowercase words one at a time with alt L

  5. 95_how to unsuspend the text with ctrl q

    95_how to unsuspend the text with ctrl q

  6. 96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

    96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

  7. 94_how to suspend the text output with ctrl s

    94_how to suspend the text output with ctrl s

  8. 83_how to search your command history with ctrl r

    83_how to search your command history with ctrl r

  9. 81_how to delete something on the left side of the cursor with ctrl h

    81_how to delete something on the left side of the cursor with ctrl h

  10. 80_how to delete text with ctrl d

    80_how to delete text with ctrl d

  11. 97_how to "ping a website" with the "ping" command

    97_how to "ping a website" with the "ping" command

  12. 68_how to delete text from the end of the command line with ctrl u

    68_how to delete text from the end of the command line with ctrl u

  13. 62_how to "navigate back to the previous directory" with the "cd -" command.mp4

    62_how to "navigate back to the previous directory" with the "cd -" command.mp4

  14. 64_how to instantly go to the beginning of the command line with ctrl a

    64_how to instantly go to the beginning of the command line with ctrl a

  15. 63_how to scroll through the text with the arrow keys

    63_how to scroll through the text with the arrow keys

  16. 78_how to switch the previous word for the current with alt T

    78_how to switch the previous word for the current with alt T

  17. 72_how to move back one word with alt b

    72_how to move back one word with alt b

  18. 59_why are there quotes around my drive?

    59_why are there quotes around my drive?

  19. 76_how to capitalize an entire word with alt u

    76_how to capitalize an entire word with alt u

  20. 74_how to highlight portions of your text with ctrl xx

    74_how to highlight portions of your text with ctrl xx

  21. 75_how to capitalize a word or letter with alt c

    75_how to capitalize a word or letter with alt c

  22. [2024] How to Activate Windows 10 or 11 from Command Prompt

    [2024] How to Activate Windows 10 or 11 from Command Prompt

  23. The Quran Commands Muslims to Kill Jews + Christians (or steal from them) - OWN WORDS of Imam

    The Quran Commands Muslims to Kill Jews + Christians (or steal from them) - OWN WORDS of Imam

  24. iTerm2 Command Info View - new in v3.5.0

    iTerm2 Command Info View - new in v3.5.0
