1. Idaho's water crisis explained and update▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Idaho's water crisis explained and update▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  2. MSNBC trying to put a gleam on that turd called Joetato Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    MSNBC trying to put a gleam on that turd called Joetato Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  3. Money debate: Paul Stone VS Will Fisher▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Money debate: Paul Stone VS Will Fisher▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  4. Can X community notes be manipulated?▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Can X community notes be manipulated?▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  5. Brianne Dressen talks about vaccine-debilitating side effects▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

    Brianne Dressen talks about vaccine-debilitating side effects▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

  6. Kris Kobach sues Pfizer over safety and effectiveness▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Kris Kobach sues Pfizer over safety and effectiveness▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  7. "Joe Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible", FDA officer▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    "Joe Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible", FDA officer▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  8. American missiles used in Russian attack▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    American missiles used in Russian attack▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  9. Selective Service was lagging so Congress auto-signed you up▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Selective Service was lagging so Congress auto-signed you up▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  10. More horrifying details about the horror show called "Boeing"▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    More horrifying details about the horror show called "Boeing"▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  11. Conviction of 3 felonies for Hunter Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Conviction of 3 felonies for Hunter Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  12. Dr Merly Nass, exposer of Anthrax attacks, speaks on today's pharma and vax▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

    Dr Merly Nass, exposer of Anthrax attacks, speaks on today's pharma and vax▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

  13. Zionists destroyed aid trucks headed for Gaza▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Zionists destroyed aid trucks headed for Gaza▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  14. Lindsay Graham admits Ukrainians are dying for trillions▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Lindsay Graham admits Ukrainians are dying for trillions▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  15. Max Blumenthal partial interview from 4/29/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Max Blumenthal partial interview from 4/29/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  16. FEC regulations do not support CNN debate rules▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

    FEC regulations do not support CNN debate rules▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

  17. Jewish woman freaks out when she realizes she's surrounded by Jewish anti-semites▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Jewish woman freaks out when she realizes she's surrounded by Jewish anti-semites▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  18. Review of Joe Biden's racist support●KJP claims Joe Biden video is deepfake▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Review of Joe Biden's racist support●KJP claims Joe Biden video is deepfake▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  19. Caitlin Johnstone on the butchery in Gaza▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Caitlin Johnstone on the butchery in Gaza▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  20. Bill Burr embarrasses Bill Maher‡Students drive off cops after peaceful protest▮Jimmy Dore

    Bill Burr embarrasses Bill Maher‡Students drive off cops after peaceful protest▮Jimmy Dore

  21. CNNs shitbag Oliver Darcy attempting to cancel Tucker Carlson▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

    CNNs shitbag Oliver Darcy attempting to cancel Tucker Carlson▮Jimmy Dore⨳Kurt Metzger

  22. Bird flu pandemic deadlier if it passes onto humans? Ponders Dr Robert Redfield▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Bird flu pandemic deadlier if it passes onto humans? Ponders Dr Robert Redfield▮The Jimmy Dore Show
