

Don't give up, don't give in. Conspiracy theory- cia coined term to discredit anyone who questions the official media/government narrative. The paradigm is a lie, question all sides then you'll find your own happy place. ~💗Volunteerism💗~ What makes us who we are, we do~the answers are within all of us~ When you can~shut the door on the noise, shut the electronics, all talk and no action is the death of us. ~Utmost importance for our survival ~ K.i.s.s~keep it simple silly Find peace in simplicity, create with your hands, ~ find peace in nature, animals, hike, walk, surround yourself with positivity, positive people, positive music, vibes, breathe deep(oxygen soooo important), ice baths ~showers, relax, sleep well, heal yourself~heal your cells, gut~ inflammation is our enemy.. you'll find the truth within and share it. To thy own self be true. ~Love yourself~feel your light~then share~ Pass it on💗