Wellness Impact | Type 2 Diabetes Coaching


https://www.wellnessimpact.org/https://www.wellnessimpact.org ✅ Helping people with Type 2 Diabetes achieve diabetes remission and avoid complications so they can live a healthier, happier and longer life. Welcome to Wellness Impact, a channel dedicated to helping people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes discover wellness and unlock the power of possibility for better health and life. We firmly believe in supporting people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, enhance physical activity, improve mental health, and nurture all areas of wellness, enabling them to live empowered and happy lives. At Wellness Impact, we understand that education is a vital aspect of personal growth and transformation. Therefore, our channel offers valuable content that equips people with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed choices and sustainable changes. Join us and embark on a transformative path toward optimal wellness. Together, let's explore the possibilities and discover the incredible impact that wellness can have on your life.

Nancy Telfer ~ Spiritual & Wellness Coach


Nancy Telfer is a Dragon Resonance Healer, Quantum Light Coach and author of The Choice is YOURS. She shares different processes that you can implement in your life immediately! This life is about releasing what no longer serves you so that you can hold more LIGHT. When you are able to hold more LIGHT, you increase your frequency to be able to go to higher dimensions. Looking at life as if it is a video game and within the game is challenges to over come, Nancy assists the listeners to release whatever is causing resistance within the 'game'. Each level of this game of life has it's challenges and the higher you get the easier the challenges are to overcome. YOU have the power within you to transform your life. The processes offered on this channel unlocks the power you have always had. Together (your Soul & the Beings of LIGHT) the KEYCODES are called upon to unlock your true potential. Speaking Soul Language (Light Language) these KEYCODES will do the magic. Many blessings 🐉❤️🎶💫

Wellness Coach


Are you ready to invest in yourself? You are worth it and when you say yes to yourself you open up endless possibilities . This is a 90 day strength training, flexibility and weight loss challenge. The steps are easy. 1. Purchase the products needed to transform yourself here https://www.myyl.com/tracy-moulton#bwm/strength-flexibility-and-weight-loss-challenge 2. Subscribe to this channel on Rumble. 3. Join my private coaching Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1015774132307444/ 4. Join my Telegram group as well https://t.me/+_u-CHjD7rhphYmQx 5. Get moving as you wait on your products to arrive.

Wellness Coach

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Greetings and welcome to [Siva] Wellness Coaching, the starting point on your path to optimum health and wellbeing. I'm dedicated to inspiring and encouraging you as you embark on a healthier, more balanced life as a certified wellness coach. I offer individualized coaching that is catered to your particular needs and goals, whether you want to build a positive mindset, manage stress, increase your fitness, or improve your nutrition. We'll collaborate to develop enduring habits that support general wellness using a mix of one-on-one meetings, goal-setting, and practical techniques. Together, we will unlock your full potential for a better, healthier life as you embark on this life-changing journey."